

Time Police
In the future, humans have discovered a way to travel through time by utilizing the energy created by the human mind during deep sleep...

However, this new, advanced technology has unintended, dark consequences - every time someone travels through time, they create a "ripple" in the timeline that alters the future in ways that are unpredictable.

To combat this, a group of "Time police" have been formed. These individuals have the ability to enter people's dreams and manipulate them in order to guide them towards making choices that will lead to a more desirable future...

However, the line between what is ethical and what is not becomes increasingly blurred as the Time police start to make more draconian, big brother, interventions. Ultimately leading to a battle for the future of humanity.

This concept blends elements of time travel, lucid dreaming.

And many ethical dilemmas creating a unique and perhaps dangerous future.

Zara Steele - a skilled time traveler and member of the Time police, who starts to question the morality of their actions...

Asher Kairos - the founder of the time travel technology, who becomes increasingly obsessed with manipulating the timeline to achieve his own goals...

Luna Morpheus - a powerful lucid dreamer who unwittingly becomes embroiled in the conflict between the Time police and Asher Kairos...

Orion Nexus - a rogue time traveler who has gone rogue, using their powers to manipulate the timeline for personal gain...

Aria Chronos - a brilliant scientist who developed the technology to detect and track temporal ripples, helping the Time police to identify and prevent dangerous changes to the timeline...

Vega Tempus - a member of the Time police who is fiercely dedicated to their mission, but begins to question whether their actions are really making the world a better place...

Atlas Paradox - a mysterious figure who seems to be able to move through time without being detected, and whose true motivations are unknown...

The world was on the brink of disaster. The fabric of time itself was being torn apart by the actions of a few reckless individuals, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance. Zara Steele, a member of the force, knew that it was up to the Time police and her to stop them.

She sat at her desk, staring at the monitor in front of her. Lines of code scrolled across the screen as she worked to track down the source of the latest temporal ripple. She had been at this for hours, but she refused to give up. Lives depended on her.

Suddenly, the screen flickered and went dark. Zara jumped to her feet, drawing her blaster from its holster. She knew what this meant - someone was trying to hack into the system.

"Who's there?" she shouted, her voice echoing through the empty room.

There was no answer, but Zara could feel a presence in the darkness. She gripped her blaster tightly, ready for anything.

Then, without warning, the lights flickered back on. Zara spun around, her blaster raised, but there was no one there.

She lowered her weapon, breathing a sigh of relief. But then she saw it - a message on her screen, written in a language she had never seen before. It was a warning, and she knew that she had to act fast.

Zara sat at her desk, typing furiously as lines of code scrolled across her monitor. She was tracking down the source of the latest temporal ripple, but something wasn't right.

"I'm getting some strange readings here," she said into her headset. "It's like the ripple is coming from inside our own timeline."

"That's impossible," came the response from the other end. "The time portal is heavily guarded. No one could have entered without our knowledge."

"Well, someone did," Zara said, frustration creeping into her voice. "And they're messing with the timeline in ways we can't predict."

"Who's there?"

She shouted again, determine to uncover the culprit.

"What the hell is going on?" she muttered to herself.

"We need to act fast," the voice said. "Get your gear and head for the time portal. We're sending you back to the beginning - to the moment when it all started."

Zara nodded, determination in her eyes.

"I'm on it.!"

Zara quickly gathered her gear and headed for the time portal. As she stepped inside, she felt a jolt of energy coursing through her body. The world around her shimmered and then vanished, replaced by a blur of light and sound.

When the portal finally spat her out, she found herself standing in the middle of a bustling city. The buildings around her were tall and sleek, made of a material she didn't recognize. People bustled around her, their clothing and hairstyles strange and unfamiliar.

Zara checked her chronometer - she had arrived in the year 2050, the very beginning of the temporal ripple that threatened to tear apart the fabric of time. She knew that she had to act fast if she was going to prevent the disaster that was looming on the horizon.

She pulled out a small device from her pocket - a scanner that could detect temporal anomalies. As she moved through the city, she scanned the crowds, searching for any sign of disturbance. It wasn't long before she found it.

A man was walking down the street towards her, his gait unsteady and his eyes glazed over. Zara knew what this meant - someone was manipulating his dreams, trying to steer him towards a certain path.

She drew her blaster and stepped in front of the man, ready for whatever might come next. As she had suspected, two figures emerged from the crowd, their faces obscured by masks.

"Who are you?" Zara demanded, her blaster trained on the intruders.

"We're just trying to make the world a better place," one of them said, their voice distorted by the mask.

Zara didn't buy it. She knew that they were responsible for the temporal ripple, and she wasn't going to let them get away with it.

She fired a warning shot, causing the two figures to scatter. Zara gave chase, dodging through the crowds as she pursued them.

The chase led her through the city and into the outskirts, where the streets were quieter and the buildings gave way to open fields. Zara felt a sense of unease as she entered this new territory - she didn't know what dangers lurked in the darkness.

Suddenly, she heard a sound behind her - the telltale hum of a temporal portal opening. She spun around, her blaster raised, but it was too late. A figure emerged from the portal, a figure she recognized all too well.

"Asher," Zara spat, anger and fear mixing in her voice.

The man in front of her was Asher Kairos, the founder of the time travel technology that had led to this mess in the first place. He had gone rogue, using his powers to manipulate the timeline for his own gain.

"I see you're still meddling in things that don't concern you," Asher sneered, his eyes blazing with hatred.

Zara didn't respond - she just fired her blaster, hoping to take him down before he could do any more damage. But Asher was quick, dodging and weaving as he fired back at her.

The two engaged in a fierce battle, their blasters lighting up the night as they exchanged fire. Zara knew that she couldn't let Asher win - the fate of humanity depended on it.

Finally, she managed to land a hit, sending Asher tumbling to the ground. He lay there, motionless, as Zara approached, her blaster still raised.

But then, something strange happened. As Zara drew closer, Asher disappeared, vanishing into thin air. Zara knew he must have use a temporal portal to escape.

She cursed under her breath, knowing that she had failed in her mission. But as she turned to leave, something caught her eye. A small object,

glinting in the moonlight, lying on the ground where Asher had fallen.

Zara bent down to pick it up, her heart racing as she recognized it for what it was - a temporal key. With this, she could travel through time and try to stop Asher from wreaking any more havoc.

She inserted the key into her scanner, which began to whir and beep as it calculated the temporal coordinates. Zara took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As she emerged on the other side, she found herself in a desolate wasteland, the air thick with smoke and ash. The ground beneath her feet was scorched and blackened, and the sky was a sickly shade of yellow.

Zara knew what this meant - she had arrived in a future that had been altered by Asher's meddling. She looked around, scanning the horizon for any sign of life, but there was nothing.

As she began to explore, she came across a group of survivors - people who had managed to cling to life despite the devastation around them. They told her of the horrors that had befallen the world, of the wars and plagues that had decimated the population.

Zara knew that she had to act fast if she was going to prevent this future from becoming a reality. She used her scanner to locate Asher's temporal signature, and set off on a perilous journey through time and space, pursuing him across the ages.

Zara was tired but quite determine to
capture or end Asher's evil and treacherous ways of life.

Pow! Pow, pow, pow...

Zara gaze up in time to see a fleet of starships firing red pulse lasers at her.

She returned fire while ducking for cover
behind some nearby rubble. That's when she noticed Asher hiding near a dark, shattered building.

"You are nothing but a dirtbag, Zara cried!"

Asher retorted, "A rich dirtbag and you could be one too, if you had any sense."

Why don't you wise up, come over to our


A well aimed laser beam grazed
her right shoulder causing a bleeding gash.

"You monster," Zara yelled, I am not done with you yet, I will destroy your timeline with you in it!

She assaulted him, their blasters exploding the night, as they fought for total control of the timeline.

What are you doing here?" Zara demanded, reloading and firing her laser blaster.

Asher smiled thinly. "I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm here to stop you," Zara said, her voice firm.

Asher's smile faded. "You can try," he said, still firing his weapon at her.

Zara had no time to react before Asher fired. She dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the blast. As she scrambled to her feet, she grabbed her own blaster and fired back.

The two of them traded shots, diving behind cover as they tried to outmaneuver each other. Zara knew that she couldn't let Asher get away - if he did, he would surely continue to destroy
elements of the timeline.

But just as she was about to take her shot, something strange happened. The world around her seemed to warp and twist, as if it was being stretched like taffy.

Zara's vision blurred, and she felt herself losing control of her body. She tried to raise her blaster, but her arm wouldn't respond.

As the world spun around her, Zara caught a glimpse of Asher's face - he looked just as surprised as she felt.

And then everything went black.

When Zara came to, she was lying on the ground, her head throbbing. She sat up groggily, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

She looked around, but the city was gone - replaced by a desolate wasteland of twisted metal and rubble.

"What the hell?" she muttered to herself, struggling to her feet.

As she stumbled through the ruins, Zara realized that she had gone too far back in time. She had jumped back to a time before the time travel technology had even been invented.

And worse still, she had no way to get back.

Zara sat on a pile of rubble, staring out at the desolate, bleak wasteland. She knew that she was stranded here, with no way to get back to her own time.

© Charles Kemp