

Blood Is Beautiful (18+)
Claire was always a rather shy girl she quite enjoyed being away from the large crowd's and preferred to keep to herself. And this stayed with her for many years so much to the point to when she got older she decided to move away from her friends and family to live a more isolated life with her what she considers to be her only real friend.

A dog named feather Claire has had Feather for a couple of years now and she has always taken care of him. So Claire was quite happy to get to have more free time to spend with Feather. As Claire pulls her car into the semi driveway to her new home. Located out in the country the only thing being close to her being a small town which was still a long way out.

However she doesn't think too much about that stepping out of the car looking at the pretty nice house it looked to be in great condition. As she walks around to let Feather out of the car. He hops from the car looking very excited his tail wagging rapidly. As Claire smiles lightly before saying with a soft tone.

"I am excited to boy me and you are going to get to spend alot more time together. I can't wait and i know you can't Ethier anyway let's get you inside and then i can start unpacking. Yeah for me uhh..."

Claire says with a little sigh but still trying to keep a good attitude as she begins walking towards the front door to the house. The environment surrounding the house was nothing but forest and trees being no other people in sight. As Claire reaches the front door with Feather right beside her.

Claire pulls a key from her pocket humming slightly as she sticks the key in unlocking the door. As Claire and Feather walk in Claire looks around seeing how organized and clean everything looks. With a little bit of Dust to be seen but nothing more as Claire says.

"We'll i think so far it looks pretty nice i wish i knew what you think about it. But i will assume that you like it for my sake hehe. We'll i am going to begin unpacking go ahead and explore for me boy."

She says with a little smile as Feather takes off going to explore. As Claire walks back out of the house to go back to the car to begin unpacking. It takes Claire about all day but she manages to get everything inside. However with it being pretty late now she decides to sit down for a couple of minutes to watch Tv. However before she does she makes sure to set out food and water for Feather as Claire calls for Feather. He runs into the kitchen with a happy dumb look on his face as Claire says.

"Hmmmm you know what i think since you have been such a good boy i will let you go outside. For a bit i know you are too afraid to get lost so i can trust you. Do you wanna go outside boy do ya?"

Claire says as Feather tilts his head slightly before barking in a excited like tone at the possibilty. So Claire walks to the front door opening it and Feather Darts out the front door into the night to explore as Claire laughs softly before walking back towards her living room sitting on the couch. Turning on the Tv and the first thing that happens is a breaking news report. As a woman says on the Tv.

"Authorities are once again baffled by the strange and grisly murders. That have been happening for almost a year now. And tragedy has struck once again as another victim has been added to this Lunatics list. Authorities have begun to call it the biggest mass....."

Not being able to listen to it anymore Claire quickly changes the channel to something more her speed. However as she sits there watching tv her eyes begin to get extremely heavy. As she eventually falls asleep right there on the couch. Though her slumber doesn't last long as she then hears barking coming from outside.

She think's it may just be Feather barking at a squirrel so she ignores it however the barking gets. Louder and louder until it eventually stops completely. Silence filling the house and outside Claire immediately gets up looking around. Her heart starting to beat extremely quickly as she walks towards the front door. Getting ready to open it.

However just as Claire's hand is inches away from opening the locked door she hears a couple of light taps coming from the kitchen window. Claire takes Sharp breaths walking towards the kitchen slowly and carefully as Claire enters the kitchen looking around.

She Gasps her breath catching itself stuck in her throat as she sees a bloody message written on her window. With a little bloody smiley face under it the message reads.

"You're Dog was quite rude so i shut him up but don't worry he's at you're front door see you in a minute xoxo."

The message reads on the window making Claire's heart drop as she runs to the front door. Opening it quickly not seeing anyone in site. But however....She does see Feathers mangled corpse which was still bleeding heavily and he was gone. Claire looks at Feathers corpse and begins crying softly getting down and holding him closely and saying.

"No no.....NOOO!! I am....So sorry Feather i....Shouldn't have let you go out it's all my fault.....I'm so sorry....I love you so much."

She says with a muffled tone Crying loudly now as she looks up seeing someone through her tears. As Claire wipes her tears away she sees. What appears to be a woman wearing a Wolf mask along with a Brown suit which looked very odd. Claire looks at her a bit more before seeing the woman suddenly bolt at her Claire stumbles back slamming the front door and locking it.

As everything goes silent again Claire puts her ear close to the door. As the woman also gets closer to the door on the other side saying with a soft tone.

"Aww isn't that so sweet cry cry cry cry....Like sheep only know how to do your heart's just broken isn't it poor little Mutt Haha...I rather enjoyed cutting his Vital parts watching him die so slowly......I wonder how slowly you would die. And i wouldn't cry much longer because it's just you and me out here. And we are going to have some fun."

The woman says with a very sadistic low tone every word that left her mouth sounded like death itself speaking to Claire. As she doesn't really know what to say back instead she backs away slowly from the door. Trying to call the police but the phone line was dead. Claire begins to panic going back to the door and saying.

"I....Don't understand why are you doing this to me....What have i done to you is it just fun for you to get off on other people's suffering.....WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO Me LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"

Claire says with alot of rage sadness and anger as the woman on the other side of the door laughs softly at Claire's little spasm. Like she was enjoying it as she says to Claire.

"You know you sound like that family of Lamb's i once killed....They were very confused as We'll. But Lamb's usually are quite confused. And you're a smart little Lamb aren't you.....Yes i love watching Lamb's and their heards be slaughtered. The screams the blood splashing in my face such.....Lustful wonders just a slice away.....Now i am going to take my sweet time with you. It's time to run run run little Lamb you're wolf is coming...."

The woman says with a little laugh before Claire begins hearing something and before Claire could even react a axe is swung at the door. Causing Claire to stumble back she looks around quickly being too frightened to think properly. She grabs a knife from the kitchen before running upstairs to hide in her bedroom. Hiding in the closet.

Claire listens to the door being slashed and cut down as she tries to hold her breathing to a minimum to stay silent. As she eventually hears the chopping stop. Claire stays silent holding the knife close as she hears the woman saying.

"We'll we'll we'll what a nice little home for a Lamb to stay at. Now tell you're wolf where you are hiding you can't hide from me. No one is coming out here riverside. The town full of lambs is miles away you're trapped with you're wolf. And you should just accept it.....We could have so much fun LIKE i could cut you're skin very slowly and taste that sweet lamb blood only to cut you again.....Or maybe i could break you're fragile little mind that sounds even better. DON'T IT LITTLE ONE HEHE!!!"

The woman says with a loud tone as she continues walking through the house her shoes hitting the floor. Softly and quietly as she looks around before making her way upstairs holding her Axe close as she licks her lip softly smiling before saying.

"I know you're up here no doubt in my mind you are up here.....I can smell you i can't wait to have you bleeding.....Ohhh yes the metallic smell against my nose feels so sweet.....And i think i might know where you're hiding. Little one."

The woman says with a softer tone walking into Claire's bedroom looking around and picking certain things up and smelling them. making the women's eyes roll back slightly before looking towards the closet and saying.

"Hmmmm now where could my little Lamb be hiding i don't think i can find her i think she may have outsmarted her wolf.....Is that what you think you did YOU STUPID LITTLE LAMB WHORE DIE FOR ME HAHA!!"

The woman says before swinging aggressively at the closet slicing right through it. However once the woman looked inside no one was in there. The woman tilted her head slightly looking confused. Until she heard someone running out the front door Making the woman yell in rage.


The woman says as Claire runs as quickly as possible to her car having the keys however. She couldn't start it because the tires we're popped and Claire could see The woman walking towards the car. Claire gets out of the car quickly running with the knife. Into the forest to try and get away from her running as fast as she possibly can however. The woman still being in quick pursuit behind her.

However Claire eventually stops running ducking behind a tree knowing she couldn't get away from her. She had to try something as the woman looks around for Claire looking around the trees yelling.


The woman says with a booming voice her voice echoing through the forest. As Claire listens closely to her voice and footsteps. Hearing her getting closer she tries to muster all of her strength. To stab the woman in the leg missing As she quickly hops back saying.

"Ohh what's this i have never had a Lamb actually fight back how FUCKING adorable. I am going to enjoy a slow painful demise for you time to DIE LAMB!!"

The woman says as she takes a swing at Claire with her axe as Claire gets shaved with it slightly crying out in pain though still holding her ground. As Claire says.

"You took.....EVERYTHING FROM ME YOU EVIL BITCH!! I am going to do this for my feather. I'm going to kill you right now."

Claire says as she tackles the woman to the ground knocking off her wolf mask to reveal a face full of Stichtes. Claire looks slightly distraught by this. As the women kicks Claire off of her adjusting her suit standing up and saying. As Claire falls to the ground dropping the knife a little ways from her. As the woman picks her axe back up saying while walking towards her.

"What's wrong little Lamb afraid of a little Stichtes.....Hehehe yeah wolves go through alot of punishment i hated my parents....And now their dead just like those people i have KILLED AND JUST LIKE YOU'RE ABOUT TO BE IT'S BEEN FUN LAMB WHORE!!!"

The woman says holding the axe up high ready to kill Claire. Until the woman feels a sharp stab hit her leg she screams out in pain slightly before falling backwards dropping the Axe as she laughs loudly for some odd reason.

Claire gets up holding the knife in hand getting on top of the woman Slamming the knife down into her chest stabbing her multiple times not letting up. As blood as coming out rapidly now however she stops breathing heavily. As the woman coughs up alot of blood laughing softly as she says.

"Haha......Hahaha you're a funny little Lamb you know that......I guess Lamb's really can be wolves in sheep's clothing HAHAHA......You We're alot of fu-."

The woman can't even finish her sentence before she dies in the middle of the forest. As Claire looks at her stitched face and body she shakes her head before walking back towards her home. Taking her dog and burying him in the forest before she sheds a couple of tears.

As she begins walking towards the town to get help eventually someone stops seeing Claire covered in blood they help her getting her to town. As Claire explained what happened to the Athurtiouses. They soon go to the house looking around and finding the Women's corpse still laying their with a smile on her face.

And This taught Claire something as We'll that there is a monster inside of all of us it's just a matter of letting it out.

Heya!! i hoped you liked it i worked hard on this one so i will appreciate any kind of support thank you. and if you want more horror from me let me know. Anyway see ya later~

© I think we are Alone