

Love your plants❤
John is a gardener. He loves plants more than his life. Every morning and evening, he first water his plants and then eat food.
Giving attention to plants is his passion from childhood.
Actually, he is always sensitive and caring for everything. In his childhood, one day he was going to a trip with his parents, he saw people burning their plants. He was shocked to see this. He told his parents that he want to stop them from doing this. They didn't consider it. They thought that he is a children that's why he is sensitive. His parents didn't understand his nature. This scene became imprinted in his mind. He probably wouldn't have felt so much about the plants if he hadn't seen it all as a child.
Now he is 20 years old. Now he has his own nursery farm. He gives time and attention to his plants. Also he has continued his studies as well. He feels positive and relax with his plants. He treat them as they are innocent children. He is happily living with his plants and parents.

This is not just a story but a message to all of you. We all should take care of our society, of our plants. It is not just a responsibilty of one. We must unanimously take care of the plants. This is the duty of all of us.
We go to visting areas, stay in hotels, pay bills and after a small enjoyment, we come back. If we just visit plants and flowery areas for half or one hour in a day, we will feel fresh more than the trips of visiting areas. We must grow plants and take care of them...