

The Running Queen 2
- Yes, it's me. The bad guy.
He looked at her with despise written all over his face. - I'm solely responsible for this situation - he added in a gruesome tone.
She really wanted to grab his arms and shake him, but she restrained. She was in fact afraid to touch him. All of this time, she successfully stored her memories in a secluded area of her mind, and wasn't willing to let them free.
She only knew one thing with no doubt shaking her soul, she once loved that solider, and now she couldn't allow herself to trust him.
- I guess you forgot what I did this for - she simpered. - You should've just let me get away and went on with your life, instead of playing your king's best man.
She said too much. She realized that, seeing his hands clenching into fists. Then, his eyes shining with a sharp reflection of his rage. Just like he was preparing a set of knives to send right in the middle of her forehead. But, ultimately, he just took a deep breath in, and released the pressure in his muscles. She caught herself staring in awe at the movement of his skin. The sight she never expected to see again under safe circumstances.
- What are you looking at? - he hissed.
She didn't respond. Only followed her gaze to his hands. The fingers she remembered playing with her hair. Or caressing her cheek. Or, barely a moment ago, swiping behind her ear. And at that second, she wondered about why did it all have to change. Obviously, she knew the answer. One ruler's bloated ego, that's what it was. But, why did they let it come between them? How could they let the situation divide them, make them fight for life and death, almost hate each other. Only a few months ago, she was convinced he was the one she was going to spend her life with. She absolutely adored him. She could admire him for hours, just like a sculpture of a perfect master. But, one dance changed everything.
She wanted to say something sensible, she really did. But her vocal chords weren't cooperating. And, when she spoke, she suddenly sounded like a child, lost somewhere, with no one to lead her back home.
- Just at you. I haven't seen you in a while.
Silence. A deadly weapon of the surprised. That brief moment of uncertainty before a significant action, when someone who doesn't know what to do, has to figure that out. And you can only wait, unless you have an access to their mind.
He finally cleared his throat.
- I haven't changed that much.
She nodded. He hasn't. And that was the problem. She expected him to get bitter, rough, maybe strange. And his attitude did become such, but not his body. It remained a recording of their mutual past, written in detail. Something none of them was able to erase. She thought about whether or not her body was the same to him. She remembered they haven't spoken about themselves since the king's proposal.
- He took our lives. He didn't have the right to do that. And I'm not coming back there, just so he can get what he wants. He doesn't want me. All he desires is the sense of victory and superiority over me. He wants to show everyone he has power. And I refuse to be a puppet in that show.
She crossed her arms, then took her sight off him. She waited for him to scream at her, repeat she had no choice but to go with him for the hundredth time, maybe announce that she was bound to do what she was told. That a happy king equaled happy subjects.
- I'm done with this. - But not that time.
He covered his face with his hands, next, roared into them, like a wild animal. Then, he fell onto his knees and sat on the ground, crossing his legs. She sat down opposite him, didn't wait for an invitation. At that point, she didn't even care if anyone saw them. It felt as though they were standing on the edge, looking into the darkness.
She begun crying silently, once again devastated by the injustice that happened to them. She really hoped her escape could save them. But, time proved otherwise. Clyron was too stubborn, too lawful. Even if his core was being ripped apart, he wouldn't object his superior.
And, there they were, two shells in pain, not knowing the way out.
- Don't cry. A queen shouldn't show her weaknesses - he muttered.
- Oh, stop this! - she exclaimed, then grabbed his hand, begging him not to pull it back in her mind. And he didn't. He squeezed hers in both his hands, as if he never wanted to let go. - I will never be his queen - she remarked.
He crawled to her, like a maggot in search for food, then pulled her closer. He finally embraced her, almost painfully clenching his fingers on her back. And they sat there, not saying another word. Just crying.

#runaway #alien #romance #Space