

Something Bigger
Why spiritual people become alone within themselves.

Have you seen most of the yogis , they'll be alone. If they with 1000 people are also they are alone. Why they become. Oh they can not be in society, may be but you know as of current we have a yogi who is Doing kickass jobs in Society. Scientifically when you become alone then only you can know your body wants to break the barrier , emotions wants to do the same. Something which is in you always wants to break barrier and expands . From morning to evening become totally alone you see that you want to talk with somebody or want to meet somebody . How much it wants to expand. So why the most of youth are affected . In their perspective its quite expanding and cool but it's a total mess always. Drinking , alcohol. Whatever they do they want to experience or go beyond from themselves for a moment. That moment business can trap you whole life. On a identity basis they take which has larger base . Just identifying with them . They are part of something big. It's depends on different geological , social structure. For some part of youth it's football or any game. Or some it is nationality and for some it is terrorism. Ultimately they have to chose which is expanding. That's the expression. So being cool or hot it doesn't matter. It's just want to become part of something bigger. When this identity becomes universal or to with creator himself. we say Aham Bhrahmasmi to identify with creation and creator. So that's needs otherwise they'll be in stuck with sports , politics , music and everything else. Once you become aware of this thing. Then for whom nothing matters and everything matters (Shiva ).