

'The First Womb'
Planetary Science & it's related disciplines all agree that the 'big bang' was silent and the term suggests an explosion of some sort occurred. There was no explosion, I won't explain the science since you can look it up and we've all seen an explosion.
I've become aware that so many fields with confusing, sometimes antonymic words, are the suspicious ones. Except for the study of space/time, wall street, the government (all levels) have this odd need to make shit confusing, while using highly obscure words. They make the needy not just sing for their supper(help), they make them choreograph an original piece, write a 3 act play, etc. All of this is completely on purpose because most ppl will give up such a daunting task, others may not understand the intentionally complex directions. It's the classic method offering help while making sure it'll be worse than the situation itself. Wall Street, banks, the criminal 'bias' system, they're all made to cause anyone stuck in any of these environments to be in a trammel, confused, needing an interest rate infused form of 'help'. The interest, in any for, usually negates the help which results in millions of Americans getting the 'ol booby trap face slap.

One, example is the multiple causes of the 2008 housing market collapse, that dominoed into the bail out. They used all these bullshit , constructed to confuse terms like CDOs /(collateralized debt obligations) which are rated AAA doward. The lower the rating, higher the risk, but cheaper.
Target: some with poor credit history, consistently irresponsible. Why? Cause it's cheap, which you can afford but the high risk guarantees you will default on the loan, and listed Collateral Debt Obligations belong to the banks.
Synthetic (seriously fucking synthetic?) CDOs, which from my understanding connected the divided financial areas so it served as the domino effect of disaster, essentially allowing people to invest in a metaphorical coin flip and another strangers luck or lacktherof, essentially side-betting. Now the very first sign was something many people missed. Patterns are essential and learning about the universe you start the see similar but simple repetition within severely complex physics and data but it's everywhere just in diverse forms, situations and behavior. For those who were labeled paranoid or that you just didn't know their methods & they're banks. We later experienced vindication once class actions validated our suspicions one by one. They were overdrafting ever person starting with the highest withdrawal to the lowest, resulting in your meticulous organization fucking moot. Both logically, ethically and turned out legally, withdraws were supposed to be ordered by date. I noticed their canivery so when close to $0, I'd withdraw the full limit
O n c e a month via ATM. I had a month to put at least $1 in for 24 hours , got 'fee-tood' once, and turned their sneaky form of theft into a $500 a month loan which was worth the singular fee. For finality my sudden change in finincial behavior combined with my subtleties signified to them that I was gonna consent to love making, but not rape.
What the fuck is my point right? I'm not entirely sure but I think there's 2 of t them, maybe more.
Science regarding the universe agree that the big bang was more of an instantaneous, faster than the speed of light, flash which included everything proportionately strewn across which begins as lightweight gas. Energy created by the gas settling and experiencing friction will create the energy needed to transform/create newer particles , setting of more diverse interaction. Science agrees that the 'big bang' happened everywhere at the same time and since every single thing exists from 'the big bang', scientifically we are, simply put, the many different cells and components of the singular organism, the universe. In a vaguely realistic way, we all are atomically linked. Which one day might prove to be the cause of empathy, intuition, and 'weird feelings'.
I also have a theory that the reason I've observed the level of intelligence not only increase with each generation, but the onset slightly occurs sooner, which is of course evolutionary but I have this immense feeling of certainty that our DNA, has a direct correlation to the speed with which each generation can learn new information. Theoretically, the information (data) encoded then added to the entirety of the DNA is then transferred within the genetics of the parents to the offspring. This genetic cheat sheet helps the young have a much simpler time picking up where the previous humans left off.
Sometimes I would wonder if autism was a form of evolution on a level currently too complex for humans to acknowledge being that its natural for us to view things negatively as abnormalities, or defects.
I was slightly disappointed when I read a study maybe a year ago that discovered autism wasn't an evolutionary mutation but they possibily discovered it may in fact be a devolutionary mutation.
Our minds are so fucked up and ridiculously & powerfully active once born, I think about the millions of daily stimuli and observations that constructed my ideas of right & wrong, subconscious ideals & beliefs, my disconnect with many social customs that seem odd to me but understand the humanistic need for rituals & ceremonies.
Everyday, I try to compare any similar thoughts or convictions I share with anyone, relatives, friends, society (from celebrity to education). Each similarity I recognize will prompt me to reevaluate with intense scrutiny, the inception of the similar piont of views until I'm satisfied it belongs to me. There are also many times I feel it's been forced on me or there's a likelihood it was a subconscious opinion, outlook, programmed to either go unnoticed, or I'll a catch a seemingly harmless delivery consistently social engineering impressionable minds. Which is why systemic racism is so deeply rooted in so many minds they seem oblivious & incapable of realizing it because it sounds crazy to people and even to me as I'm saying it but when I ask these following questions. Would the power have multiple beneficial motives to program this specific outlook? Could childhood programming input opposing ideologies, cause future conflict or divide as adults? Is there a subtle yet consistent depiction/features of the hero, villian, incompetent, amoral, where are the negative stereotypes & positive stereotypes being dispersed?

We all came from the same, singular Womb. All of us and all that surrounds us contain that 1st vestige of the birth of the universe. Not only is that fact, it's fucking amazing.

© Chem6a