

'The First Womb'
Planetary Science & it's related disciplines all agree that the 'big bang' was silent and the term suggests an explosion of some sort occurred. There was no explosion, I won't explain the science since you can look it up and we've all seen an explosion.
I've become aware that so many fields with confusing, sometimes antonymic words, are the suspicious ones. Except for the study of space/time, wall street, the government (all levels) have this odd need to make shit confusing, while using highly obscure words. They make the needy not just sing for their supper(help), they make them choreograph an original piece, write a 3 act play, etc. All of this is completely on purpose because most ppl will give up such a daunting task, others may not understand the intentionally complex directions. It's the classic method offering help while making sure it'll be worse than the situation itself. Wall Street, banks, the criminal 'bias' system, they're all made to cause anyone stuck in any of these environments to be in a trammel, confused, needing an interest rate infused form of 'help'. The interest, in any for, usually negates the help which results in millions of Americans getting the 'ol booby trap face slap.

One, example is the multiple causes of the 2008 housing market collapse, that dominoed into the bail out. They used all these bullshit , constructed to confuse terms like CDOs /(collateralized debt obligations) which are rated AAA doward. The lower the rating, higher the risk, but cheaper.
Target: some with poor credit history, consistently irresponsible. Why? Cause it's cheap, which you can afford but the high risk guarantees you will...