

What Happened Then ? Season 1 Episode 1

Starting from the end

Today, December 31, 2025, another year is coming to an end, starting tomorrow with the new year. We are the unlucky people who are somehow still trying to survive in this world. Six years ago from0 today, we welcomed the New Year with fireworks, parties, dances and songs. With all of this, at 12 o’clock we wished everyone a Happy New Year and prayed to God that we could spend this year in a very good and peaceful way. But now, the meaning of January 1 has changed for us, now it has become like any other day, the risky, exhausting, dull and busy struggle to survive.

Indeed, we call ourselves unlucky, because those who have left us may now be in much peace and we who have seen so many people die, we are all still alive somehow but there is no peace in our minds. When we all close our eyes, the images of those dead people are repeated in our minds. Even if we want to forget, the memory of those people does not allow us to forget those people. But life goes on, people have now accepted everything, been cautious, started to respect nature. Because we all know that nature has given us another chance, we will never let that opportunity go to waste.

In March 2020, the population of the whole world was 780 million. Like the last time when I heard the news on TV three and a half years ago, only one quarter of the people in the world were alive, now I do not know how many people are alive. Now I don’t know about the whole world, but in the area where I live, there are only 1750 survivors. Some of them have left the area and do not know where they went. So now there are only 900 to 950 people in our area. The mortality rate for the disease has continued in the same way since 2020, the only change being that with the change of population the mortality rate has dropped significantly.

We do not really know what is happening to our people outside our city like West Bengal, India and the rest of the world. Three years ago today, The Chief Minister of our State, decided that from that day no people in Kolkata will go out of this city and no one from outside will enter Kolkata. Now Kolkata has become a small country. Just as the countryside is surrounded by barbed wire fences, Kolkata is also surrounded by barbed wire fences. So that no virus infected people can come to Kolkata and spread the virus.

Three years ago, when the fence was first constructed in Kolkata and it was decided that all kinds of relations would be cut off from outside Kolkata, every single person living in Kolkata raised the same question, “Where can I get the necessary food items?” At that time there was no rule in our city, no government, no police, no one was able to answer thousands of questions in people’s minds. So people started going out of the room to find answers to all these questions. They really needed answers. Need to talk to make any decisions or answer any questions. It is not possible to make any decision without words or discussions.

Minimal communication is the most important means of communicating with one another. The infrastructure was not available to anyone at that time. At that time all kinds of mobile services were shut down, no internet service was on, buses, trams, cars, subway, rail services were all closed. Everyone in our neighborhood was worried about how everything would be possible, then some old and intelligent people called a meeting in our neighborhood. This meeting was held in a small field called Golap Mohini maath in our neighborhood.

Seven years ago, the last time the assembly elections were held in West Bengal. Winning by a huge margin of votes in that assembly election, Rajat Kumar Chakraborty and his political party formed the last government in the state. But that government did not last long, because within two year of the formation of that government, the disease began to spread, the government was completely unable to stop the disease. So as the number of people dying slowly began to increase, the common people did not accept the government and the government fell. Even though it did not do anything good, it caused more harm to ordinary people like us. Immediately after the fall of the government, gradually all the governmental systems such as police, army, transport system, communication media etc. stopped. There was a time when such helpless people were found to be dead in their homes, some died of disease and lack of medical treatment, and some died from starvation and lack of food.

Our Chief Minister, Rajat Kumar Chakraborty, also removed himself from his post of Chief Minister. Not only this, three members of his family, including his son and wife, died from the disease. He can’t live alone in his house in New Town. So he came to his brother with some of his essentials and his most favorite thing, his BMW car. His brother Ranjan Kumar Chakraborty lived in our area, unfortunately he also died a few years after that. From then on, he lived alone in his brother’s house. He used to clean his BMW car every morning, then went back inside the house. He never spoke to anyone in our area. His behavior would always show a failure, shame, and a sad feeling of loss. There were many reasons behind his behavior. He thought himself responsible for these losses, and for this reason he distanced himself from all others and kept himself locked in the house.

One week before the breakup of the government, that is, three years ago from today, the last newspaper was printed and sold. In that newspaper, the last statement of our former Chief Minister was published. Since all kinds of news channels were closed at that time, the paper was the only way to get his word out to the public. He wrote a letter to get his word out to the public. He wrote a letter to get his word out to the public. On that day only four pages of news were printed and the letter of the Chief Minister was printed on the first page.

Shri Rajat Kumar Chakraborty,
Hon’ble Chief Minister,
West Bengal Government
Dear People,
My name is Rajat Kumar Chakraborty, I am the Chief Minister of West Bengal. But I think I don’t deserve this valuable post. Four years ago, after defeating all other political parties in the state by a huge margin in the assembly elections, my political party formed the government in West Bengal. As soon as the government was formed, we announced some projects. Among these projects, there were two notable projects, the State Beautification Project and the Ganga River Cleaning Project. We initially put more emphasis on these two plans. One day, we got a news that Akbar Singh, son of a Hindi actor, Sultan Singh, died in a private nursing home in Kolkata. He came to Kolkata with his friends. Two days after coming to Kolkata, he began to have colds, coughs, fever, sore throat, etc. His body became so ill that he had to be hospitalized. In NursingHome, his blood is tested and that blood test reveals that he is infected with an unknown virus. The virus was completely unknown, and no Indian doctor had seen such a disease before. Doctors cannot save Akbar Singh because there is no antidote to the virus. He died of multiple organ failure. Just four hours after the incident, the Chinese Government released a report. In that information, the Chinese Government spoke of a new virus. Chinese scientists named the virus the CAB toxic virus. Immediately after showing the news to Indian news channels, Akbar Singh’s father called me and said that just five days before coming to Kolkata, Akbar Singh had gone to China for an advertisement shoot. According to data released by the Chinese government, the person infected with the virus has to be kept away from all other humans because all those who live within a meter of the virus will be infected, which means that the virus can spread from one human to another. Immediately after this information was published, doctors called Sultan Singh and his family members and all friends of Akbar Singh to the hospital for blood tests. With the blood test report coming out, we all realize that it’s too late. Because they were all infected with Cab Toxic Virus, and we have no clue how many people Sultan Singh and his family and Akbar Singh’s friends had inadvertently infected them with this virus. All of them were admitted to the hospital and a special isolation ward was created for them and they were kept there. Completely different from other patients, so that other patients do not become infected with this cab toxin virus. One day after the incident, patients with the virus were discovered in many other countries throughout the world, such as Italy, France, the United States of America, Great Britain, and so on. Patients infected with the virus have also been found in several states in India, such as Maharashtra, Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. The virus spread to West Bengal very quickly. Efforts are made by the administration to keep people away from the virus, but this effort has no results. The death toll in West Bengal is slowly increasing and the morale of our people is slowly breaking down. We have no news of how many people are living in other parts of our state today. Because we have no people to report. But some people are still alive in Kolkata, I have made some important decisions to protect them. There are still some living people in Kolkata. To protect them, I will arrange for a barbed wire fence on the borders of Kolkata. As a result, no one from Kolkata can leave this city and no one from outside can come to Kolkata. The fencing will start from Tuesday, if anyone wants to leave Kolkata, he can go. Those who want to leave need to remember one thing, they will never be allowed to enter Kolkata. For those who are in Kolkata, I can only say that for a few days food, medicines and other urgent supplies will be provided by the government. And lastly, I want to say something very important to the people of my state. In fact, it would be wrong to say “people of the state of West Bengal”. Because we have no communication with the rest of West Bengal except Kolkata. So it must be said that I want to say something important to the people of Kolkata. I will resign as Chief Minister after the completion of fencing in the Kolkata border area. And at the same time, all the ministers of my state will all give up their positions. The police service will continue for some time, government hospitals are almost closed, my humble request to the doctors is to help the people by medical treatment as much as possible. And that’s what I wanted to tell the people of Calcutta. I hope you will be well and healthy and in the end I will say one thing. Trust in God, beautiful and happy day maybe we will see again.
This is your failed Chief Minister,
Shri Rajat Kumar Chakraborty

I still have a copy of the last letter written by our former Chief Minister. Sometimes I read that letter, and think about how broken the man is on the inside, who has set himself apart from the rest of the world. Many people in our area have tried to talk to Rajat Babu many times, but he never agreed to meet or talk to anyone.

We needed publicity to make our public meeting a success. That is why the organizers of this gathering set up a few publicity groups who would go to every house in our area and surrounding area to talk about this meeting and request them so that one member of their house would be present at this public meeting. There was a radio jockey named Samresh Dutt in our area, who was in charge of going to Rajat Babu’s house and inviting Rajat Babu to come. We don’t know until today, What happened between them that day was that Rajat Babu, who would not agree to meet any man, agreed to be present at our meeting. But one thing is for sure, our efforts were quite successful. In this meeting, all the members of the meeting unanimously decided that people in all areas of Kolkata should be spoken to and their views should be known. Vehicles are needed to make this program a success. But then there was no transport system so the problem that came up in front of everyone was how to get this message to them. Just then our former Chief Minister Shri Rajat Kumar Chakraborty found a way to solve this problem. “The car I have can be used for this purpose and I have enough diesel to get this message to people all over Kolkata,” he said. After fixing all this, the members of the meeting unanimously decided that a committee should be formed to make this Calcutta-wide program a success. A committee of ten members was formed for this purpose. The meeting was held at the Brigade Ground in Calcutta. I was also a member of this committee. We elect Rajat Babu as the chairman of this committee. Just a month before the meeting, we started preaching about this meeting in different parts of Kolkata. We used to tell people about this meeting in different parts of Kolkata. We find that everyone is eager to attend this meeting. It is good on one side and bad on the other. It is not good for so many people to gather in one place as it can spread the virus. Keeping in mind this problem, Mr. Rajat Kumar Chakraborty, the chairman of our committee, came up with a solution to this problem. He said, “Nominate one member of your household. Appoint one person who will report their problems on behalf of all the people in the household. Now suppose there are ten houses in an area, one person has been nominated from each house. The nominees will then choose one of them to come to our meeting on behalf of all the people in the area. This will not lead to a huge crowd at the meeting, and we will hear representatives from each area very well, and find a suitable solution.” The day was very stressful since the morning of February 26th. Then slowly people started coming and the chairs started filling up slowly. Then we started our meeting by singing the national anthem of our country at 11:30 in the morning. The main objective of our meeting was how to coordinate with all the people of Kolkata and think about their welfare.

Our first speaker after the national anthem was the president of our meeting and the former Chief Minister of the state, Shri Rajat Kumar Chakraborty. We decided in advance that we would listen to the representatives of each area one by one. After listening to them, we will make some important decisions for the welfare of the people of Kolkata. So for that purpose Rajat Babu started his speech.

What decisions were made at this meeting, how effective these decisions were in the future and how much the people of Calcutta benefited from these decisions. To know all this you need to read the next episode of this story.