

The World and Commerce
“Commerce is the heart of every profession or it can also be the life of anything we
do. For example a doctor cannot complete his service unless and until he has the
right equipment to do so and those Goods are produced by producers. After
production buying and selling takes place which is also known as Commerce.
Everyday activities let it be school, household or a playground. From buying a pen
to selling a house, Commerce takes place everywhere . But to benefit from
commerce we have to be innovative. Innovation creates consumers and
consumers lead to benefit. In order to benefit from a consumer, your innovation
needs to satisfy and attract the consumers towards you. Even the economic
stability of a country highly depends on commerce and indeed the wheel that
pushes our country and it’s economy is commerce itself. Hence, to conclude
commerce is one of the key components that this world and its people need to live
By K. Mohammed Aqhib
© K.Mohammed Aqhib