

Words fall short when the society
sings a moment of tears and tears and tears of atrocities on itself.
Did not think that such a day will ever come.
Saying your own is not a joke or life that detracts like playing cards.
When the daughter goes out of the house,
she hesitates to call it her own;
when she comes home, you come up with the daughter's question.
When the daughter came out of the house, where did she go,
why did she make a mountain of a molehill,
do you ever ask so many questions to the son.
After all, why is hate so much when we know that this world works.
Why do you consider me to be a daughter, a sin and a curse?
Every daughter is a valuable thing that begs God.
Hey!! daughter no one wants but the woman in bed everyone wants.
No one wants a daughter, but everyone wants a wife for their son.
Then how do you forget the favor of a woman when a girl gets married.
Then leave your home bar to your parents.
Only comes for you, just like you say, she does just that, she bothered or beat her.
A girl is very talented, respected by her parents.
Whom will you be born to when your mother will not be at home?

When the sister will not be in the courtyard of the house, whom will you be angry with and whom with you fight ?

If, sometimes something goes wrong with the girl, all the people justify her.

Hey there is still time to change the world because It is very easy to erase the bun, to make the fall.
Otherwise, you will burn in the fire that you have set.
Do not teach your son so much beyond the dowry and do not need to teach the daughter so much dowry.
Change the thought, the world will change itself.
What you want to achieve Definitely will be yours.
Son and daughter are two sides of the coin. If there is not one, then there is no need for the other.