

A World Beyond!
Episode 1.
'Down so deep'
"Hey! you guys coming or what ? Dave teased as he tried to push himself through the small crevice sandwiched between huge rocks. "I think this is just one of Dave's bad ideas" Tim whispered to me. There's is no way I'm going in through to who knows where in the middle of a forest, for fucks sake! Are you guys even serious ?" Tim complained. After quite a struggle Dave disappeared deeper into the crevice.
"You know what, I'm up next!" I smiled at Tim as I jolted towards the crevice. "You guys never listen to what I say, this is a terrible idea!" Tim screamed. "There's is only one way to find out, quit complaining and join us, unless you wanna stay here creeped out by yourself ." I shouted back. " That Is exactly what a route to the devil's hall looks like, and you guys are going straight for it..." Tim unrestlessly interjected while stuffing his things in a bag.
" You go home and kiss your little sister and mommy for me, while we men go out and have some fun." I said as I peeped through the hole to see if I might catch a glance of Dave. "Everything was going on well with the booze and the weed, untill Dave upgraded into a full time creep. Tim talked back.
I squeezed myself through and it got harder the further I got, but atleast Dave went through and he weighs more than I do. "Dave! Dave! can you hear me? " I called out loudly. "Don't be such a baby girl, it's gonna get abit tight but I'm just fine out here further ahead with a huge room to myself." he echoed back atleast from a distance not far from where I was. With some excitement ignited, I pushed further into the tight walls with the light from my torch as hope.
My chest felt too crushed that I could hardly breath but I managed to get through. " Welcome aboard sir!" Dave joked as he pulled my shoulders through into the opening.
Upon release from the tight grip, I took a lung full of air in ecstacy after an eternity of air deprival.
"Where is Tim ? "Dave asked as he peered through the whole. "Guess he chickened out didn't he..." Dave added.
"Yeap, he says we're on a quest to the devil's hall." I said as I tried to looked around trying to aquint' with the environment. " He actually said that?haha!," he laughed.
"Looks like a dead end doesn't it ?" Dave asked as he shone his flashlight round the rocky room.
"looks like it..., but wait, what is that ?" I asked as my heart started beating faster.
"What is what? I can't see shit ?" Dave leaned towards my perplexed self and looked towards my sight. "Damn it just moved!......TBC.
(like and follow for more...Davinci🌷💕. I'll post an update of the story later)

© Davinchi