

If Only…
If only, we could all just try a bit harder with each other. Just maybe try to understand, that there is more to life than our own points of view.
As one size, does not fit all. It never has and it never will.
If only we could learn to appreciate, that there is more to this world than our own circles of connection.
If only we could learn to understand, that we are all flawed, as human beings. That no matter how much we choose to judge one another, we only judge others on their imperfections as a human being. Completely forgetting, of course, that we ourselves, are also imperfect. That we, ourselves are also flawed.
Because… we are all similar, but not the same. Each human being, has the impulsion to discuss other people’s lives, to try and fix them in some way. To try and advise, in some way. The kinder human beings amongst us, go out of their way, to actually help others. They do this,
by following up with positive deeds that only prove that we are genuine, in our words.
The kinder ones amongst us, offer the advice with positive intention, only ever wanting the best for others.
That all stems from that feeling of genuine love, that comes from their kind and caring hearts.
The more negative ones, amongst us. Continually speak of other people’s faults, as they become stuck within themselves. As they remain, forever list. As they continue to repeat the same words, they have uttered before amongst their inner circles of connection. As they continually prove, time after time, their lack of care and understanding for others in life. Leaving only their human impression of negativity and venomous poison amongst the rest of us.
As they act like a hamster on a wheel. They believe themselves to be moving forwards, but they are not. Instead, they become trapped in their never ending cycle of nonsense, of their own making. As they continue to chase themselves, inside their continuous spins.
As they act the same way, day after day, after day. Keeping their outlooks and words all negative, towards others.
As they slowly, inwardly kill themselves off, little bit at a time. As they remain obsessed by their own actions and their own behaviours. To self- absorbed to realise that it’s only, ever, themselves, that they ever truly hurt.
The humans of this world that except that they make mistakes at times, are forever learning and growing. As they are the ones who pick themselves up, then begin to evolve from their understandings. That they have the now managed to accumulate in their lives. While the more negative ones, amongst us. Continually remind us, of our own mistakes and our personal flaws. Hypercritically, throwing their stones. As they try to keep us stuck in our lower moments of our life, not wanting us to improve ourselves, in anyway. Hence, their continued sense of lack of positive encouragement, as they continue to show their dislike towards us, through their shiny green eyes.
Through life, sometimes, we need to move on. As we can, out grow each other and this can become a natural part our lives. As we learn for ourselves that we need to understand more for ourselves, we gradually continue to grow and develop as a human being. Thus, evolving into who we are in the present day. Of course, not everyone is happy for us and for our growth and our improvements. As those unhappy ones continue to be a hamster on a wheel moving round and round, yet going, no where, fast.
Those negative ones amongst us, can help themselves but they choose not too. As it’s just easier for them to point their finger of faults towards others, as they bad - mouth others and find new and more emotional and neurologically sickening ways, to continue with their continued bulling of those ones, that just so deeply dislike. Using their words of unkindness as they spread their venom over each of us.
The funny thing is, as they do these things each day, they are constantly proving to the rest of us and to the rest of the world, just how truly flawed as a human being they are to.
For they are no better in truth, than anyone else. As we are, “ all similar, but not the same,” thankfully.
As some of us accept our flaws and admit that we are not perfect in anyway. Those others keep on with their pointing of their fingers, as they happily rejoice in other people’s misery, as they watch on. Never helping in any way. Just only ever judging and belittling others, using their God-like Complex. Of which, that they have self- encouraged for all the wrong reasons in life, through their massive egos.
If only, we could all just try a bit harder with each other. By simply creating more peaceful tones, by spreading more love towards each other.


© Josephine Daniels.