

Future of tomorrow's past chapter one what have I done
boy like   I said get some rest  And we will head out tomorrow. As a Rollover On a makeshift pallet on the ground I start to think inside my head. what this city Might look like What could I find their As I continue to think about it I feel my eyes slowly Getting Heavy as I pass into a deep Sleep.  Hours pass by... Alright Up and Adam sunshine. We gotta get a move on if we plan on Getting there before the next Sun falls We need change them bandages first  He says to me. As he unravels the bandages from my leg I could feel the pain with every Motion that he made. When the bandages come off I looked down at my leg to see  Boils of  Greenish pus mix with blood  Dripping down my leg. With hanging flush just barely hanging on. Dam it boy it looks like it's worse than I thought. But nevertheless we can't stay here any longer You're just gonna have to ride in the wagon Until we can get you some medical Help. Let's get you to your feet he says.  He slowly helps me to  My feet putting  My arm around his head to lean on his body. And  In that moment I could feel all the pain Motherfuck that hurts  I yell out loud. Quit your bitching boy.  You  Want to attract something else in with all that yelling he says. now let's get you to the Wagon. As we slowly walk towards the exit of the door  Stepping out into the sunlight. I  quickly notice this thing next to the wagon i quickly pull  my magnum out Pointing it towards its way. Whoa Boy put that thing away You trying to kill my poor Betsy. What the hell is that thing and what is a Betsy I say. Ain't You ever seen helfing before?  All I can remember thinking is this was the 1st time I have ever seen  This thing.  It stood like a horse But it had  Feet like a lion  It had    fangs like a saber tooth tiger it was one of the most weirdest things I've ever seen. it had 3 eyes of blue shade color. Its body was as big as a hippo. Animals that I've only seen from past books It's like it was mixed all together to make this weird being.  As we got closer to the wagon I could hear it making this weird  Hissing Howling sound. As we got to the back of the wagon He sits me on the back and I slowly inch my way putting myself further in the wagon. Alright boy sit tight I'm gonna get you there safely You never mind that now.  As the wagon begins to move the old man starts to talk to me. you know I got a daughter back in premiet. Yeah she's all I got after her mom was killed couple years back He says.  With not wanting to bring up bad memories for him I chose not to bring up his wife. So what are you doing out here so far from  Your daughter I say? it Is the only place Lynch roots grow It's good for medicine its the stuff I put on your leg. Catches a high price in premiet  He says to me. Your daughter what is she do I ask him O she runs the market there in premiet......  to be continued 