

Festive Echoes:A poetic transition to the New year
Another year that just scurried by ,
In a blink of an eye
Was a year full of new chapters ,
Of first Times,
Of last goodbyes
Of happy tears ,
And of fake smiles,

We all had that
Good cup of tea ,
with those few toasted nuts.
Those warm talks
with our near and dear ones ,
Those extra sugar-coated delights ,
Or that bitter dark chocolate.

The day you lost for your loved one ,
To the day
You won your lost one,
The day you cherished the first few drops of that new year's rain ,
To the day
You were so done with that mud that stuck on your shoes .

That dream trip you finally flew to,
The hard work that finally paid off ,
Your forever house,
Your fantasy car,
Your prayers that came true ,
Your lost weight ,
were all a blessing in disguise.

And don't worry
If it all hasn't happened yet,
There is one more year ahead,
Cherish and be ready ,
This year is all yours
All once again.


© Alora