

Better to Never Have Been…. wtf?
There is an alleged movement among those who are more prone to suggestion, to those who just can’t think for themselves quite yet. If the ever-growing narcissism isn’t enough to quench the thirst for selfishness, hedonist philosophers have the answer: anti-natalism. Rather than realizing the significance behind our pain and suffering, that without it we wouldn’t grow as humans, they believe that if we can’t do away with pain, then it would be more logical to just not be born in the first place.

This is like being asked a trick question by a first grader, who follows you around until you finally give in and ask, “What do you want?”

Then off he goes, “Duh, what’s the best way not to die?”

Now, while your more experienced and comparatively mature brain starts to dive into this not-so-simple question, he knows he has you right in his trap. Once you realize the absurdity of his question and begin wondering why you’re giving it, and this kid, the time of day, he opens his Kool-Aid-stained mouth.

“To not be born!”

You get a sour taste in your mouth as the child runs off to disseminate his ignorance.

First, let’s get through the obvious, his grammatically impaired proposition was that the best way to continue life, or as he put it, “not die,” is to never have been born. The obvious: to experience death or not, one must first be living. So, what does that leave those of us who want to live? I happen to live with a pessimistic mindset, and yet I still cannot find comfort in this anti-life perspective.

In his book, Better Not to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence, David Benetar argues like that of our hypothetical first grader. He states that it is in totalitarian regimes that we find pro-natal policies that not only encourage but force women to give birth to achieve “plentiful generations of soldiers” for war. He also insinuates the claim that democracies not involved in conflict take no steps to increase the birth rate but still have a pro-natal bias for “increased offspring when it comes to its own agendas and incentives.”

Not only is this not so, it is disinformation used to misguide others. The US is not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic. Yes, it does have democratic characteristics in that we vote for representatives to make decisions for us, but even these people do not represent the majority. Even if we want to call America a democracy, we see that this isn’t so with the Roe Vs. Wade decision. This decision supported pro-life, or the increase in births, while our country was seeing chaos in all major cities.

Notice I didn’t have to go too far back in time to disprove Benetar’s claim. Meanwhile, in other recent events, we see anti-natal policies being adopted in totalitarian countries, such as China’s One Child policy and others going child-free for the environment.

Yes, you read that right. The most ridiculous policies are being implemented in the name of environmentalism. While we haven’t seen any such policy here in the US, that doesn’t mean they aren’t on their way, especially with movements such as this gaining in popularity.

If all these people see in life is pain and suffering and think it is better to not have kids and hate life, I say allow them to opt-out. Canada has just added to their law for assisted death to include those deemed mentally ill. So now, along with those who have an irreversible condition that would bring them more pain to live, anyone with a mental disorder can legally kill themselves with medical assistance.

Are they really listening to the desires of the mentally ill?! They’re not right, mentally!

However, if the decision was given to these antinatalists to end their pain and suffering once and for all, I guarantee you the majority would back out.

They’re narcissists, remember?