

how it all started
the story of my life
I'm 28 I use to be a drug attic I use to snort or shoot up or smoked all the hard drugs u can find this goes to all the people reading this it might make u feel good for a couple hours it might make u high or it might make u not feel anything all the pain goes away but trust me its not worth losing your family or your husband or wife listen this is coming from a ex drug attic don't let the drugs make u lose everything your a fighter you can get through the pain i know what its like to be raped i know what its like to get abused or used for sex or yelled at every day but u are fighter you are loved once you get rid of the drugs trust me u will feel so much better. your body will thank you in so many ways. here a little bit of my story. I use drugs right now as I am writing this. something is telling me to tell my story so here it goes I left Tennessee to be with a guy I barley knew I didn't know anything about this guy when I came to Missouri to be with him I found out a lot about him one he had twins and he used to be married. he tought me how to steal. he tought me how to fight. he thought me how to do drugs because of him I can't handle crowds because I have anxiety attacks. because of him my body hurts every day. because of him I can't trust because of him i cant be a normal person. I was a broken girl that was in a very dark place.I put up with him verbally, physically and mentally abusing me for 8 years we had five kids together we lost our kids because we was homeless had nowhere to go well devision of family services known as dhs or dfs got involved and we lost our kids after that everything went to hell the abuse got worse i was on the edge to give up to make my pain go away, I prayed to god if he would get me out of the abusive relationship well one night I was streaming on this app called meetme I met my ex husband he got me out of that abusive relationship we was married for 2 years we was fighting all the time u know why we was fighting because I got into weed and smoked it in the house. I never did it around my step son but my ex couldn't handle it and on top of that he couldn't handle all my flaws like bipolar depression,anxiety, adhd and mild autism so one day he told me to my face he didn't want to be married or in a relationship so we got a divorce he told me he didn't want a relationship or be married so I went to Tennessee to my mom bad mistake. u talk about being hurt and in pain so I moved out to go be with my mom well I got into drugs because I was so hurt and I can't handle the pain I just couldn't take the pain away I was scared for life I have bruses on every inch of my body. the cuts from being suicidal. I went through stuff nobody should of experience in a lifetime. well when I came to Tennessee I got into drugs again I wanted to die. I didn't want to eat or take care of myself until I meet my man and guess where I found him on or at the app meetme he was going through a lot his self , something told me to go to his live stream so I did and I'm glad because if I didn't come into his life or he didn't come into my life we both would not be here today, i got out of my dark place because of him yes it still comes back but its not as bad.well the past 2 days he wasn't bubbly or happy so i prayed that night and yesterday and something today is giving me the feeling that I dont need those drugs. that I have what I prayed for a guardian Angel and a dog with a purpose so the ones that says true love doesn't exist or dogs can't heal people are wrong I know how it is to be in a place that nobody should be in that place where you can't get out of no matter what u do I can imagine what your going through because I went threw it let's pray dear lord be with the ones that need u the most . the ones that's basically going through hell i pray for the ones on drugs because they can't take the pain anymore I pray you put your hands on them and they heal and become a better person Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here,ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Amen. my quote don't give up don't stop fighting

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