

A home without a light
It has been three years since my father passed away due to liver cancer. While our mother has been working in Saudi Arabia for two years as a domestic helper. She left being a teacher because the salary for such a job was higher than what she was earning in her profession. It's sad to think about but that's the truth. That's why mom chose to be practical even though I know how much she loves teaching.
As for me, I am trying to be a good daughter. My mother and I dream of me becoming a lawyer one day. I'm the only one that Seiji can count on—my brother who's in Grade 9 and I'm already in Senior High School.

"Sister Chihiro, we're out of rice." Seiji whispered to me as he scooped up the meager grain of rice in its container. "Okay, that will be enough, Seiji. Take it, your sister is still full". I answered while smiling at my brother and when I saw that he was already there in the kitchen, I couldn't stop crying. Mom hasn't been able to send money for three months so I had no choice but to stop studying to work full time as a service crew at a restaurant.

A few months later, I saw on the news that there had been explosions in the country where my mother worked. She couldn't even call us, perhaps it is because of their situation there. I'm fine if she can't send money. I don't even feel any resentment or any anger but I can't help but worry so much about mom's condition. There was nothing I could do but to wait for her to call us.
I also noticed that Seiji seems to be barricaded and seems to be losing weight. I didn't stop working hard for me and for Seiji. So I admit that I can't keep an eye on my brother in everything he does. But I never forget to remind him that what mom and I do is also for him.

I didn't get tired of waiting every day. I did not lose hope. Until one day, I received a call from the embassy, they said that our mother died due to a wild locust hitting her body. Along with that bitter news, I also had to admit my brother to a rehabilitation center because he was addicted to illegal drugs.

"Chihiro, wake up child." Mother said while looking at me. "I cooked you your favorite porridge", she added. "Sister, come on. Get up there!" Said Seiji as he shook me on my bed to wake me up. "Mom! Seiji!". I screamed loudly and woke up sweating from being nap. I looked up at the same time and said to myself "Promise, I won't give up!"

(This is a work of fiction)
© angie