

Love Yourself.
"Love Yourself."
Many of us casually toss this phrase in many situations but are we all actually doing it?.Loving yourself is the toughest thing to do.You love your family,your partner,your best pal and everyone you consider close but how many names it would take to finally name yourself in the "I Love" list? How many of you look into the mirror and see the beautiful soul you are?- broken but beautiful..authentic and more intelligent being who is nonetheless a part of you? No one. When you look into the mirror you see your flaws.You estimate how far/near you are to the societal beauty conventions.Mirrors tell you what you are not and what you are yet to be.But once you try to accept what is in front of you,things become easier. Now look again.Look at all the flaws etched in your face but don't mock or laugh..Try to understand the you in front of you.
Listen,you might not be famous,you might think you are a failure,an outcast but NO.You are a fighter.A fighter not yet crowned for their glories.A fighter who fought with yourself to beat the odds.A rock.A rock who will later be a diamond.So embrace that crack in your voice,the cut in your knee,the pimples on your face,the vitiligo marks on your skin,the missing front teeth,the receding hairline,the anxious you,the scary you,the tough you,the silly you,the cry-baby you,the absurd you and the whole of you :) Because there is none like you and that's something to be proud of in the first place.And you know how the saying goes,you can't love anyone unless you love yourself.You can't give out something that's not in you.