

How Can There Be Victory To Love When You Are Not Mine
Rainy days are ahead of us. From the moment you spoke to me, I had loved you.

Each day that passes by is painfully lonely. There's a war going on in my heart, a war to win you. It almost seems impossible, but I will not give up. I will continue fighting for you until my last breathe.

It's unfair you know. You have been fighting to be happy yet happiness seems to be a dreadful pain.

She's young and smart. A girl of great wisdom and achievements, but she was not being treated fairly. She seek love, an ended up with pain. He was suppose to care for her, love her and keep her safe, yet he place her life at risk.

I've come to know her when I was younger, the first look create a moment of unspoken words, undesirable thoughts. She had been hold against her will. Tears stream her face at night, and during day light she's like a stone sitting alone the rivers streams.

I fought for her like she was my first, about to be my last. Nothing nor no one can change the way I feel about her. I will always love her, she has a place within my heart, a place full with happy thoughts.

She's beautiful, but she's weak to him. A baby boy was born, giving that slaves trader a reason to hunt her down like a while animal.
He shot her once, raped her twice and even when he's done with her, he allows his friends to do the same.

I still did not give up on her. I love her, even though I'm in a battle I'm not sure to win. She's mine from the start. When you love someone, you do not give up on them, no matter the circumstances, fight for what you believe in. Fight for your love, I tell myself.

How can there be victory to love if she's not mine I wonder. But I know there's victory to ones heart when you have earn it.

Am I losing who I am? Knowing she's battling with life and happiness is tearing me apart. I love her. How can I win this war, without losing her.

How can I stop all that's happening to her! She had been in pain more than one can count, abuse and neglected by her own. I am here waiting to create something great with her.

How can I stop her tears from hitting those stainy walls!
Where's the victory in winning her heart?
I stayed up day an night, trying to wrap my head around all she's going through. Do I leave, what can I possible do to help her?

No I will stay, I will stay and I will fight this battle until the very end
There's no victory right now, but surely there will be victory in the end.

© Tenisha Sterling