

One Promise. Chapter 2

When she come back from washroom, the boy was waiting their with a angry,she try not to get emotional and try hard not to cry and when to him and said,"long time no see ,how have you been".The boy give her a angry look and grabbed her hand held it tightly. She say "leave it hurt", he told " who told you to play guitar early, and then on that song"she told"I didn't want to but my friend force me to play and I sang that because it was our favorite song"he look at her at more angrily and held her more tightly. She say "leave it really hurts, leave".
She push him away and then realises her hand it has been red and also hurt.He told " you are not a small kid that they told you so you have to do it,and that song I never like it, it was only you who used to like it not me,so stop saying our song".After hearing that she took a step back and her eyes was fill with tears,but she stop her self from crying.He laugh and said"you are still same like before,a easy to play with".She can't take it and cry and run from their when she run one of her class boy held her hand and asked what happened she didn't say anything just push him and run away he Chase after her. She went out the celebrating hall and took and cad and when away.Friend of that stop him but he told them something urgent something came to he have to leave he took his car and chased the cad that she took.The cad stop near a seashore and she leaves the cad and start walk towards the sea.When he saw her stop her immediately stop his car and run towards her and stop her he said"are you mad what are you doing and what happened that you run from the hall?? ".She look at him and said'why are you here,leave me alone"and again started walking towards the sea.He got little angry and pick her up." put me down lu boyan leave me "He took her to the beanch and told her to sit and sit beside her and ask her" what happened su jianan why did you suddenly run from their? "She said none of your business, hm", he said " so why were you going into to sea to commit suicide, why?"
She made a face an said"aw,who is committing suicide are you mad,who told you I'm committing suicide.!."he look confused and say"aw,I thought you were"look at him she laugh seeing her laugh he also smiles.After seeing her for some time he says "you look better when you smile so why were you crying.?." She say "nothing, I just remember something that make me cry that all" he say "aw ,I thought something happened." then they quietly sit on the beanch and enjoy the sea breeze he continue to look at her when she close her eyes and enjoyed the sea breeze and seeing her smile a smile automatic appear on his face.After sometime she start to going,he asked "where are you going ?" she replied " back to hostile it is already 8 clock the hostile door closes at 9, so going back"he said" aw,wait I will drop you off it is already dark and it not possible to get a cad here "she say " no..no..I will wait for a cad no need to trouble you"he look at her and hold her hand and take her with him to this car "get in"(she say)" it really fine I will Wait no need to trouble you "" I told na get in".she sit inside his car he smile and get into car,she said "thanks but you really don't need to do it" he look at her and smile and start the car.Then were half the way from hostile her phone rings "hello" and the reply came,"where are you ,left the party without tell anything, everything alright first of all where are you"she reply "aree wait let me tell you are going on asking questions how can I reply" her friend reply "okay tell ,she reply" on the way to hostile,tell you when I reach hostile"her friend reply "okay,you are safe an" she look at him and reply "yes safe" after hearing that he smile a little bit.They reach the hostile gate,she said"stop,I will get over her only"he told was Wait I will leave you inside ",she told "no it fine" he told really fine ,she told yes really fine and got off the car.After she get off the car she come back and said "thank you for today" he reply "is your mood better now ? " she said" yes better", so I will go back bye and carefully on way back and she was going to leave ,he call her and said"you..you..you lokk better when you smile, crying and sadness does not suit you"she smile and start walking, he shouted bye and Good night see you tomorrow in college and she went inside the hostile.

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