

Ah, Serenity!
It's kind of hard to imagine anyone of us were once babies, being swaddled by our loved ones. then one day you wake up more than half your life has past you by. Where has time going?

Instead of having a sense of security, we have a sense of urgency. instant gratification fueling our desire to get every situation over with just as quickly as it begun. Where's the patience? Where's the fun?

Turning around just to evaluate and reminisce might end up resulting in whiplash. Our lives they flash before our eyes.
we often get caught up in the lies we tell ourselves, if not other people. Someone once asked me why do we sin? My honest opinion is to break up the monotony of life otherwise it would be like watching paint dry.

Our lives are wrapped up in fantasy instead of seeing things as they truly are because television, movies and social media have us hypnotize , instead of opening our eyes.
Why do we keep hitting the snooze alarm?

Hell, no wonder most of us feel traumatized by the chaotic events that seem to be happening rapidly nowadays more than ever. If drugs and alcohol doesn't take us out then our raising stress levels will especially over pollution and global warming.. when will we have our eureka moment and come to the realization that life truly isn't fair? when will we stop pretending that everything will be okay?!? Life doesn't end as the credits start to begin rolling up the screen. our struggles are what ultimately makes us who we are as well as the stars of our own lives.

It would be sweet to live in a world where the rain wouldn't fall so harshly upon our pain. That our scars and stains didn't have to be kept nicely hidden away. that we could come to terms not only to accept ourselves but those around us. That we could discuss who we are openly and speak our truths as our lives go by. Why isn't possible not to do so? Is it shame or is it guilt? Who's to say? the pathway through healing isn't easy however it can and should be done.

It's only when we wake up to the realization that we have the responsibility of the power over our own lives That the possibility will eventually arrive that we will start feeling secure once again. acceptance and understanding is key. everything won't be okay. however, we can stop regurgitating our life events as we negotiate as well as communicate our deepest truth. that the clouds of deception and disguise will clear away as we realize reality instead of fantasy. We will have a serenity within us as our confidence to we become who we are and letting life be as it shall!

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!