

#padded bra
''are u wearing a padded bra?''....''because trust me ur boobs look bigger then ur ass''.....n all of them laughed....n doesn't matter how hard u try to ignore things but sometimes few words can damage ur soul. its kind a fashion that every girl is posing with their boobs n asses off in the camera...more than a fashion.well nobody is interrupting ur fashion but the thing is u r nobody infact no one is having the f* right to judge somebody's physic...the way they look..the things they want to wear ..because u have no f* idea what they are going through or what damage u r causing to their soul..a damage part can heal..but a damaged soul can't.
every girl is beautiful in her own way...if she wants something..let it be a padded bra or shorts then its her choice...n before questioning her..ask urself ...have u ever asked ur mother such a thing.....beauty lyes in the soul not in the makeup or filtered selfies....so stop letting people down and encourage them the way they are ...because trust me u have no f*idea of the feeling when u save somebody by the haunting thoughts of the society.
be somebody's saviour...be a girl with a kind heart and beautiful soul.