

How lovely it is to live with the man that you love and cherished the most!!!
I am a young girl of age eighteen, and I always love to live the best of my life. I love to go clubbing, have fun with friends and actually fuck all night long till my whole body burns and ache within. I never pay heed to my parents advice as they always prove me wrong of anything that I ever do. I always love to swing in every part of the world in my life. In fact, this is the major definition of the word "exploration" to me. Always love to explore the sweetness of the hidden world!
Growing up in a household with my lovely parents, and dominating over everyone, including my mum and dad, I never thought this day would ever come. I stared blankly at my face on the mirror straight to me. I put on more powder on my cheeks when I realized there's no enough concealer to hide my freaking burn and reddish cheeks.
How can these people,my parents, who claim to love and adore me do this to me?

Today could have been such a great night and it would have been one of the most fucking celebrated day of my life as I will be going out to club and party all night long with my freaking friends. Now the day is now spent in anguish as my little face ache a lot.
This all ended up as a result of an argument and a small misunderstanding I had with my parents concerning about my stupid bad life style that I have been showing in and out of the house. I wanted to defend myself by Saying that; " it's just a lifestyle that any other teenager like me would love to play". And within half of a minute, my cheeks were freaking hot burn which stings and hurt too.
In fact, my mum slapped the hell out of me and actually pulled me forcily inside my room and locked it up. Yelling out; " I am your mother and you will do as I say to you about life whether you like it or not".
I chuckled and held my redden hot cheeks as I cried. Now I'm locked up and I can't move out today to club along with my freak fucking friends. I wore my night dress and actually slept off because I had no choice.

The next day, my parents came and see me off before leaving to work. They advised me to be a good girl and actually apologize to me about the hell 'slapping,' yesterday. I nodded and they all left me in the house.
I would have love to work but not now as I have always been saying so in the entire moment of my life. After taking my bath and dressing up, I wore my favorite mini dress and I decided to go out for a walk
Walking on the street, I saw a tall and a very handsome guy. He was looking very manly. His hair was longer than usual but it looked perfect in his manly face. His jaw was grayish from the obvious shaving of a thick stubble and his nose was narrow and perfect on his high cheekbones.
Admiring his perfect body, he approached me and actually invited me to a drink at a restaurant which was obviously opposite to the road side.
© Esther osei

After getting drunk, I told him to take me to a hotel and make me one of his own.
Reaching at the hotel room, he locked the door and kissed me on my lips one after the other.
"Hmmm", he slowly let his fingers glide on my thighs,then up my stomach to my ribs, and then breast. When his finger reached my nub on my left boob, I shivered.