

Dear, Have Courage
I know, due to the pandemic and misery all around the world, it's hard not to wet eyes. Each and every second tension appears, what's happening and where the world is going.
I don't know the reason for this and I don't have the answers to your questions, but I can surely say that everything happens for a reason and reason is known as time passes.
He takes the utter care while designing our lives. The production may be delayed but the success is high and so as the probability rate.
According to the numbers shown, the misery is increasing and it's impossible to see the bright side. But remember, the sun sets in evening but also rises next day and new day is filled with hope, happiness, prosperity and opportunities.
Humans needed a break from routine and a lesson about wordly pleasures and desires. Half the course is done and another half is pending. Trust me, as soon as it is done, it is done for once and forever. This is the time to live with utter care and trust.
You are fragile not him.
Time passes, dear have courage