

Rethinking Alimony And Legal Reforms
Thinking of starting a new business? How about becoming a professional alimony collector? Welcome to the ultimate startup with zero funding: "Alimony Inc." Forget about tech startups. Just get married, get divorced, and boom - "a steady income. Voila..!!" Of course it's the latest trend, with pseudo-fem3inism turning the noble fight for equality into a cash cow. Haha just kidding, but seriously, it's time to address the issues of pseudo feminism and women misusing the law.

Ever wondered why dowry is illegal but alimony isn't? Dowry is like paying an entry fee to get married - a really expensive, outdated, and dangerous tradition. Hence, it's banned. Alimony, meanwhile, is meant to keep things fair after a split, but sometimes it feels like hitting the jackpot. Let's push for some tougher rules, time limits, and penalties for false claims. Because equality shouldn’t mean exploitation and laws should keep up with the times. Alimony should be based on need, not gender. Let's advocate for fair laws that don't discriminate against men or women. It's time to upgrade our legal software.

#PseudoFeminism #MisuseOfLaw #ChangeTheSystem #AlimonyAbuse
© Teja_Amjoori