

Magical 💕
Magical day of my life was my 20th birthday I was getting ready to go out with my friend and a guy from my school we both like each other from some time nd we both knew it .it was not official yet. So I got a call from him that he is waiting for us at my residence. We went out and see him waiting for us with a cab. He smiled at me nd give a compliment then he open the door for me nd we three get settled in the car and drove to my favorite place . he was very caring nd try to make me comfortable . Everything is going so smoothly nd I was very happy .we three are walking on the first floor nd suddenly he stopped me and hold my hand and reads few lines to me while looking in my eyes while I was lost in his eyes then he knee down in front of me. Take out a ring nd proposed me nd I said yes then we huged . That was the best moment of my life .
we three enjoyed our day at last he dropped me to my home with a good bye hug. I came home tired nd go to sleep wihile dreaming about him 💕