

The leaf
I'm tangled in my thoughts where is he? I remember making myself clear that silence is not the way to start my day c'mon now stop hiding come out and talk to me about your dreams and plans for the day!
Sure enough a clearing of the throat I know he's here stretching his arms out and yawning a big yawn. Come here look over there across the street it's the princess of the block her confidence exceeds her, with her arms stretched and the sun hitting directly on her dark brown bark. You really need to get off my yard and go over and talk to her, I know you like her.
Why can't I admire her from a distance?
Are you that shy that you are willing to take a chance and let other water guzzling leafless trunks take her away?
She doesn't even look my way or smile back at me when I smile at her.
Not only that I'm like a hundred years older than her.
She just stands there waiting for her gardener to make her pretty and all trimmed up, like if she was a diva or something.
Ok but don't say I didn't warn you a pretty little thing like that doesn't stay single for long.
Try just casually walking over and say nice day isn't it.
Not only that who will you talk to or jump on if I'm not here? Who is going to listen to all of your corny jokes or give you shade if I'm not here?
Blah Blah Blah stop with all your excuses, I'll be fine as a matter of fact I'll go with you I will sit so high up she won't even know I'm there.
C'mon now pick up some of those leaves that were blown over and walk over there, bring that proud trunk ! Show her your paperwork, let her see who you are. Read her the part that you are a untouchable never to be chopped down a proud hundred year old oak tree !
Oh stop she wouldn't be interested in my heritage of my years of living through wind storms, thunderstorms, rains and the blistering heat or snow storms.
How do you know she wouldn't be interested?
Well maybe when Enrique my personal gardener comes and trims me up and brushes away some dust I may go over and say hello.
That's what I want to hear, bring out that confidence and don't forget to take your letter of "can't touch this" with you.
Ok ok I'll go over are you happy now will you stop pushing the issue?
Well the big day came and I wished it never did I wish I wouldn't have pushed him to go across the street and talk to the new girl on the block.
It's all my fault he died before he made it to the sidewalk, his huge trunk fell his arms broke in a hundred pieces and his bark was scraped off he laid in the street unable to move all these cars continued to run over him crushing him into little bits not caring that he couldn't be chopped down or that he had a personal gardener that made sure he took his vitamins and special soil. They just continued to run over him it was horrible it was a massacre I couldn't watch anymore there wasn't anything I could do, he had a arm full of leaves that had blown over he made a bouquet out of them. His body was in the street and his legs were still in my yard but his arms were smashed into Mr. Smith's roof (my neighbor) his roof was totally crushed, windows were broken it looked like a war zone on my block.
Why Why I screamed why did this happen? What caused this? Tears streamed down my cheeks I was in shock I tried stopping traffic I couldn't nobody was listening they ran over him over and over nobody cared!
To this day I grieve for my friend I miss his shady leaves, his coolness on hot days all I see now is a big hole where he once stood. He was a beautiful tall tree that I can never replace all I have now is a hole in my yard.
He had spent the majority of the night cutting away his roots, he sawed and cut every root that held him down he wanted to go across the street and talk to the new tree on the block but by cutting his roots away he didn't have the strength to hold his huge trunk that's why he fell never making it to talk to her.
The princess now has lots of little baby trees around her she has no idea about the oak tree wanting to get to know her.

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