

A Glimpse from my upcoming novel "Quatervois"
Story of a beautiful and curious "Amara" and ferocious and earth-Shatteringly handsome
A Glimpse from my upcoming novel "Quatervois"

The firewood was burning innocuously. It's flame performing a wild dance like a carnivorous flower. Beautiful, but lethal.
The rich hue of orange and blue, were like antithesis. It was life and death, fire and ice, push and pull, joy and sorrow, war and peace, but what actually was peace?
A question still remained unanswered. "Peace", a simple five syllable word made no sense to her . Peace, was it the absence of war or the state after chaos? No it definitely wasn't peace for her.
Amara looked away " Crossroads surely make an impact on life". She whispered. She leaned back and stared at the night sky. Dark had taken all over, but the inky sky couldn't match the Stygian eyes of her.
Her eyes, so dark yet carrying so much of light in them. Those dark eyes we're now staring at the black canvas without even blinking.
It was a clean cloudless night, the crescent moon shone brilliantly along with the scintillating stars. The silence stretched longer without a single soul in sight.
The twitching sound of firewood was the only symphony. She shifted her gaze from the dark sky to the flames, and for the first time she noticed something, the calmness and wrath at the same moment in the same thing. It reminded her of him.
She keenly looked into the fireplace and got enthralled. The same way she was when she saw him for the first time...

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© Sanhita Sonavane