

the voice from the sewers
It was a cold, dark and gloomy day on Apple street and Amanda Bowers stood outside the gate of her mother's luxurious mansion.

She sighed, she had absolutely no desire to meet her mother.

After the quarrel that had taken place between Amanda and her mother in 1910, which ended with her mother deliberately drowning her beloved cat "Strawberry" in the well and boiling and eating her puppy " ", Amanda had a great hatred for her mother.

"Well, I guess I'm pretending to be happy to see her." Amanda Bowers said sourly.

She straightened her round glasses and straightened her fiery red curly ponytail, then tapped.

A few minutes passed but in the end her mother opened the door.

"Hello Amanda, my beloved daughter!" Said Mrs. Bowers, smiling a ridiculous smile.

Amanda smiled back a little sourly.

"Hello mom," she replied quietly.

"My dear child, it was so long ago, how is your fiancé Phil Crooker?" She asked.

"He's not my fiancé's mother." Amanda replied with a sour smile.

"It was a shame, you and he would be a great love couple."

Amanda began to feel irritation erupt in her body.

"This is how it is mom, I came to you because I would like to borrow a packet of eggs, Phil and I are going to make pancakes with blueberry jam tonight." Explained Amanda.

Amanda felt like she just wanted to get out of there.

Serana Bowers wrapped her hands around her daughter.

"Sweetie, it was not my intention to kill your beloved pets, I was drunk and we quarreled, I became furious and lost control of myself." Said Serana.

Amanda stood motionless and did not touch a face, she certainly did not intend to forgive her mother, that was the dumbest excuse she had ever heard.

Serana sighed.

"Honey, can you forgive your poor mother?"

Then, Amanda became angry.

"Poor mother?! Keep your damn eggs for yourself! I never want to see you again!" Amanda shouted and slammed the gate shut, then walked down the street with quick steps.

It was still day, yet the darkness and the mist lay like a great blanket over the city, it was hardly possible to see any car or bicycle.

As if that was not bad enough, it had also gotten dark, even though it was the middle of the day.

Amanda walked and walked for hours and before she knew it, she was lost.

She turned and looked down at the ground to see if she could see her footprints, but it was so foggy that she could not even see her own sandals.

"It's best I try to find a phone booth that I can stand in until the fog clears." She thought.

She squinted out in the dark, to her great joy found a shop she used to hang out with her friends with, it was a big candy store that sold cupcakes and candy canes.

Amanda knew the owner, he was an eccentric man, but with a heart of gold.

Amanda started walking.

The more steps she took, the more the fog seemed to lighten.

Now she was almost there.

She was just about to step in when she started hearing voices.

"I'm just imagining." She muttered.

But barely a minute had passed before she began to hear the same voices again.

This time she was sure she was not imagining.

"Come on Amanda, come." Could she hear the voices say, they sounded neither like adults nor teenagers, they sounded like, children, really small children around the age of six.

Amanda felt uncomfortable, but naive as she was, she began to follow the children's voices.

The more she followed them, the clearer they became.

In addition, they sounded so loud that Amanda's ears almost began to bleed.

The voices just grew louder and louder.

Finally she was in front of a manhole, dirty and disgusting water flowed into it.

Amanda squatted in front of it.

She lifted it slowly.

She tried to cover the lid and peeked into the dark, smelly hole.

At first she saw nothing, but then she heard a voice again.

This time it was not a child's voice, this voice sounded dark and threatening.

"Who are you?" Amanda asked.

The voice laughed.

"I want to help you." Answered it.

"With what? Do you even know who I am? " Amanda asked uncertainly.

"You are Amanda Bowers." Answered the voice.

Amanda turned white in the face, how could this stranger know who she was?

"Listen, I know where you're going through, the kids in your school call you nerdy and silly and you're being bullied by your own mother, is that right?"

"Yes, sad but true." Answered Amanda.

"I guess that was what I thought, but I'll help you, I know a way you can get rid of all your pain and your hateful mother." Said the voice kindly.


All of a sudden a pocket knife flew out of the manhole cover, it was not big, but it was very sharp and pointed.

"Take this gift, then go home to your mother when she has fallen asleep and stab it in your mother's neck, her blood will flow and then, you're free from all the pain she has caused you, she's dead and she can no longer hurt you." Answered the voice.
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