

The Apocalypse Chapter 1 The Peace Is Ruin
The world was at peace The Holy Angel was resting from all his work. Everything was peaceful The people was in peace, and the animals were in peace. But then there was a evil unclean spirit named Branden Horninger that came into the garden he saw a chance for brainwashing. The first man name is Ben Lucero, and his partner name is Sage Bell . The Holy Angel had told Ben Lucero to not eat the tree on the left. The left tree represents good, and evil the only tree that represents life is the right tree. Ben Lucero, and Sage Bell had obeyed the creator. Branden Horninger had disguised himself as a lizard in the garden he crawled up to Sage. Did the Holy creator told you not to eat from the tree on the left side? Branden ask Yes he did we are not supposed to eat...