

Towards The Dawn
As the first rays of dawn illuminated the world, Sarah awoke to find herself standing in the midst of a dream she had always longed for: A world where dreams could be touched, shaped, and brought to life...

Sarah was amazed, she couldn't believe it. She was so shocked and also confused to watch her dream, the dream she had longed for so long to become reality, has come true.

The day before her dream came true, she was in a dark place, a very dark and suffocating place, where there was not good a single bit of hope for this world to get better. She always aspired to achieve something, something which would make her parents, her family, her teachers, the people she loves, proud of her. The one thing that she herself could be proud of, this was the only thing she wanted. This is all she wanted achieve, even if it was the last thing she could do.

But the world isn't fair to anyone, is it? The world doesn't work on our will or wishes most of the times. We are all in a rat race, striving for that one piece of food. It doesn't matter about who fails to reach it and has to go hungry for the day, or maybe two. The only one who reached it, is going to live for the next day and strive on. Sarah was forever stuck in that seemingly never ending race, running and running to win for once. But she never gave up, she knew she couldn't.. She knew.

But this was all long back, she had lost all of her remaining hopes after failing to reach her goal every single time she tried to reach it... Until, she lost her most important part needed for it.

"I can't believe I reached here at last. This seemed impossible even one year ago. This all seems like a dream, is this all even real? " she thought to herself.

Yeah, this just seems like a dream, but what happened before this was a nightmare, a horrible nightmare...

She remembered, though she didn't wanted to remember it at this wonderful moment, but her past is a part of her.

Sarah had met with an accident two and a half year ago. A horrible accident. On her way back from school, while crossing the road, she was hit by a speeding car. The driver was drunk and wasn't paying any attention. Sarah managed to save herself, but her right leg got stuck between the broken parts of the car. There was a pool of blood and people gathering around her, she was having trouble paying attention to anyone and the pain was unbearable. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness were the sirens and shouting of people.

When she woke up, she was in the hospital. She was tied to some tubes and and a oxygen mask on her face, there was a beeping sound near her too. Her head hurt like hell and felt like it would explode any moment, it was like someone was hammering on it. She tried to get up, but just as she tried to curl up her legs, she coul.. Couldn't feel her right leg!! She was so shocked that she went full numb and for some minutes she couldn't think of anything. What she could only think of, overwhelmed her and she burste out crying, she shouted in pain with her muffled voice, the pain kept in her heart, her pain of knowing she couldn't achieve her dream anymore, she couldn't make anyone proud anymore, she lost .. The beeping of the machine increased.

"Sarah? Sarah! Hello? Are you hearing me? "

She came back to her senses, yeah that was long back but still feels like yesterday. If it hadn't been for her friend Natasha and her therapist, she would have still been stuck in that nightmare and still would have been thinking about what to do anymore or if this is the end for her..

"Yeah, yes, I am hearing you Natasha, yes the view is really mesmerizing. It's so so much beautiful. "

She said it, while watching the sun rise from the east, spreading the golden rays upon the snow and the cold breeze touching her hair, making her feel accomplished and at peace.

She had, at last, after training non stop, even after losing one of her legs, had reached the summit of earth at last,

The Everest.

She has woken up from her nightmare now, and is now living her dream of so long, hoping to inspire many others to achieve their dreams forever.

Based loosely on the true story of an Indian mountaineer.

© Ophelia