

In Solitute The Mind Gains Strength
Maria was all alone in a small cabin of her room in the hotel. She had always been a people person, enjoyed parties, and liked to be surrounded by people. Certainly, she was not enjoying herself in the trip. She was having no one to talk to , hence, she felt herself  to be isolated and lonely . But it was untill then when she learnt the actual power of solitude.

Days turned into weeks , and weeks into months. She lost herself in the nature. Her mind was slowly becoming free from all the worries, anxiety, stresses and tensions. She went on hiking in the forest, she started enjoying herself. There was no one to disturb her and as far as sharing emotions were concerned she shared all her feelings and emotions with nature, with the trees in the forest, birds,animals,mountains,fountain and so on... She realised that always there is no need for people to be present in our lives to share something , nature can be a good friend too.

With her newfound peace and clarity of mind in solitute and nature, she spent her days reading books by candlelight , and writing her journal . There was no distractions from the modern technologies and social obligations , just the sound of the rustling leaves and chirping of birds. With the passage of time Maria began to appreciate the peace that came with being alone. There was no one around to influence her thoughts or opinions . This allowed her to focus on what was truly important for life.

Through introspection and self reflection , Maria discovered strength within herself which she never knew existed. As autumn rolled and the leaves began to change colours ,she realised that her time in solitute not only gave her strength but also provided her with a sense of purpose . She returned to civilization being refreshed and rejuvenated ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.
