

Imagine This, If You Will
Imagine this if you will
Every tear you've caused to roll down my cheek has become a ever growing puddle below me.
A puddle of pain and sorrow at first.
As it grows it fills with tears of anger and fear.
Now a little more time has passed.
Tears have turned to loneliness and regret,
there has become a much larger lake .
It's getting deep and dark these waters below me.
Time is constant and changing all.
Now my tears are lighter and less frequent.
They have started to heal like a fresh spring.

I've let time carry my heart for a while.

It has healed.

Time gives it back.

A gentle smile now fills my face.
Since Im Feeling peace and relief
I have but one tear left to fall to this Lake.
The droplet of water falls in slow motion to the deep dark Lake below.
As this new irradescent tear mixes with dark deep water
Suddenly I feel this weightless feeling.
I notice my feet no longer stand on ground.
I began to ascend above the water slowly drift across the Lake .
I travel slowlyl and and on the other side.
As I straighten my back , I relize I'm on solid ground.
I dig in.
I raise my head to peer across the water.
For the first time you appear non threatening and small .
You are all alone.
No more tears to flood and drown my feet..no.. no more.
It quickly occurs to me,
Suddenly there is this big deep body of water between you and me .
I begin to think of what you will try.
Once again it occurs to me to yell to you..loudly ...

You are there, Im here..

All I can say is
"thank god you cant swim"

© Rebel Reaper