

Real-Life Mistakes

It is way easier to fix mistakes made on a computer than it is in real life.

At the leisure and comfort at our personal computer a mistake or a "typo" as we may call it is literally right at our fingertips. To hit the "backspace" tab can be correctly selected without the need to even look down at the keyboard. Our brain has memorized through repetition and experience exactly where the Backspace tab is located on the keyboard. We press down on the tab deleting the mistake, once the mistake out of sight we are now ready to move forward with the intended gesture we meant to submit. We may even type a little slower ensuring that we get it right on the second go round.

Why does it seem away from the computer in our personal lives fixing mistakes aren't so simple.

On a computer we notice the mistake instantly almost, but in our personal lives it takes us a minute maybe way longer than a minute to backspace or delete the mistake and start a new, move forward, or placing ourselves where we belong.

Truth is just like fine typing without typos takes skill and repetition, so do life's lessons. It's too much like right to learn and move forward the first time and gain the moral of the lesson we are supposed to learn so quickly.

Usually our mind or heart or maybe both our mind and heart won't let us feel the first bump on the head. As nurturing individuals, wanting to please and be accepted, we'll adjust our whole behavior to see if adjusting will bring the favor we desire. It's not until we've drug ourselves through the mud before we finally even think about concluding that maybe just maybe we need to behave differently or remove an object or person and we FINALLY make adjustments.

To save ourselves from sleepless nights worrying about what to do I would like to suggest a few things:

First, Before making any decision..ANY decision first ask yourself if the decision puts you further away or move your closer to achieving your most desired goal? Think about it and be honest with your own self. If it doesn't move you closer to your most desired goal, then ask yourself why you feel the need or want to carry out acts on the decision in the first place.

I encourage you to do away with just "having fun for the moment". For having fun just for the moment can lead to more mistakes before it leads to progression.

Next, Consider your circle. Who are you around? Do they truly care about you? Those that truly care for you want to see you successful and happy in life. They may offer help and/or encouraging words in attempting to help you achieve your goals. Those individuals that honestly we all know, that have never asked you about your goals would only delay or slow down your motivation and progression. These individuals we feel care free around yet you look at their personal life apart from yours and you don't want to be like them their just fun to be around. So they know you too. I would like to advise you to look at the life and livelihood of the people in your circle and remove by contact any further dealings or communication with these people who are just simply living day by day, taking life as it comes or risk your own personal life becoming toxic and unproductive.

Lastly, know that you're human and we are humans are imperfect people. You don't have to have a dammed if you do, dammed if you don't mindset. For your mind is the most important aspect of the make-up of you. Don't willingly go back to what you know doesn't grow you or the ex that harmed you thinking "Oh this time will be different". No it won't. The outcome of back peddling will be exactly the same as the last time or even worse.
Realize and Accept that.

You are only one person in control of noone else just your own self.

Applying these tactics and ways of thinking will definetly minimize the mistakes you make.
Carefully, Realistically, and Honestly think about ALL outcomes before making the decision to Act. This will cause a much more smoother journey.

Thinking about the outcomes will better equip you so you don't have the stress of fixing mistakes over and over again. Be honest and Smart with yourself.

Making your life and typing even a breeze.

You're all You Need.

For more inspiration on Life, Love, Relationships, and Inspiration..Please follow me on the Medium writing platform. I am listed as "thevirgowriter" on the website and the app. Please read, follow, and comment I would love to hear from you.

Peace, Love, and Blessings unto you!
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