

Happy Valentine
"I can't believe I'm single! today of all days", Katie exclaimed. Its valentine's day and she is yet to find a date for the evening. she lazily curled out of her bed and head straight to the bathroom. stepping into the bath tub, she kept murmuring to herself. She dipped herself into the bath of warm milk, leaving her head out to feel the coldness of the morning. The voice of Whitney Houston's 'I look to you' filled the atmosphere. After spending quite some minutes in the tub, she stepped out and ran the shower of warm water.
She got dressed and off she drove. She reached her office desk, no gift was on the table, she just sighed and got sitted to begin the Day's work. Just then her phone beeped, it was a message from one dating site she recently got engaged in.
"Hi, I'm Jamie, will you be my val tonight?" The message was short and precise as can be. A little taken aback by the gesture of this unknown friend.
"I would love to, only if I see the face of this mystery man", she responded.
"Be ready at 6pm".
She smiled in Awe at the message on her phone screen. Who is this mystery man? In as much as she wanted to be rude and archive the message, she beamed with eagerness and she decided to see to the end of this.
work today was not as stressful as the other days, maybe because its valentine's day. She worked as a reporter for the NTA news network. This wasn't the type of job she wanted while growing up, but I guess life played it's own roles.

Her door bell rang and when she opened it, a young man in suit stood there with a bouquet of daisies in his hand. She frowned at the look of the young man who is abit shorter than she is. Before she could express how irritated she felt, the young man spoke,
"Miss, please sign here". He offered her a book to sign, handed the bouquet to her and left. She perceived the smell of lavender from the bouquet and thought of just how this stranger knew her taste in flowers and perfumes. Immediately, black Ferrari pulled in front of her and the driver gestured for her to enter as he opened the door to the passengers seat at the back. Still surprised and not wanting to enter the car in fear of the unknown, she heard her phone beeped and saw a message on the screen, "Don't keep me waiting, beautiful".
She entered the car and after 5minutes, the arrived at a very fancy restruant. on entering the restraint, a security man, gestured her to a table where a very fine gentle man sat. His eyes all over me as she sat opposite him.
"Gosh! this guy is handsome". she exclaimed in thoughts and let out a smile from one side of my mouth.
"I'm Jamie, I hope I didnt startle you with my gestures?" He asked and she answered, "No".
He bent over and brought out a small wrapped gift. and handed it over to me.
"Happy valentine!"
She gave him a quizzical look and unwrapped the gift. it was a very beautiful gold bracelet and attached to it was a note,
'will you be mine forever...?'
"Yes! if only you tell me who you are." she said, looking into his brown eyes.
We talked about everything we remembered and she realized,
"I was charmed to loving him instantly. At long last, my valentine wish came to pass and I'm no longer single."

Author's enchanted words:
Happy Valentine to you my espeemed audience. celebrate with love and passion.
© cindy's Notes