

Love billions of CEO husband Chapter 9
Tang Anni finally spent ten minutes to understand the current situation. She felt that she and Zhan Yixuan were really close, the so-called feeling of fate. After that, she showed a sweet smile and looked at Zhan Yixuan°
"Annie, I brought a set of Jin Yong's martial arts novels. You will like this gift. Once you see the first page, you will not be able to put it down immediately!" Zhan Yixuan took out a kraft paper package from his luggage bag.
Huh? Gift! This was a gift Zhan Yixuan took the initiative to give her. She was so happy, but could she accept it?
Tang Anni thought for a while and wanted to refuse, but suddenly Mrs. Beer grabbed her hand and moved her hand to the back of Zhan Yixuan's left hand: "Yixuan is one of our own, don't be too polite, just take it!"
"Okay." Tang Anni's answer this time was in a calm and happy tone. She still wanted to accept this gift. It was the first time she received a gift from a boy she liked.
"Annie, it's rare for my brother to give things to girls, so don't refuse his intentions!" Zhan Aili also smoothed things over, and the atmosphere instantly relaxed.
"Yeah." Tang Anni accepted Jin Yong's martial arts novel, then started talking and eating chocolate cake°
"Since you brothers and sisters have come to Versailles to attend my coming-of-age ceremony, as a princess, of course I will take you for a walk around Versailles to familiarize yourself with the culture, customs, and scenery." Tang Anni pulled down her veil, revealing her beautiful face. Eyes blinked°
"What a great idea!" Ellie particularly agreed with Maggie's friend Anne's suggestion.
"Annie, we will stay at the Spring Hotel in the afternoon and go out in the evening. Is the time okay?" Zhan Yixuan was eating donuts. Thinking of Anne's hand touching the back of his left hand earlier, his face turned red and he took a deep breath. Tone, trying to stabilize the uncontrollable heartbeat°
"OK°" Tang Anni's heartbeat accelerated and she lowered her head in embarrassment°
"Then, Ai Li and I will go back first." After finishing the meal, Zhan Yixuan took his sister Ai Li's hand and left.
"Everyone is gone, Princess Anne should come to her senses." Elizabeth Beale put her hand on Anne's shoulder, "You seem to care about this boy Zhan Yixuan. Do you really like him?"
"Nanny, I don't want to hide my true feelings. Zhan Yixuan is the first man that my heart is deeply attracted to." Tang Anni said calmly. "I don't know much about his life background."
"I will tell you, but not now." Elizabeth Bill's eyes flashed and she shouted coldly.
If Anne is determined to face the waves of fate, as a wet nurse, she will give her full support.
"Brother Yixuan, you are not really serious about Annie!?" When the brother and sister returned to the Spring Hotel and were alone, Ai Li choked up and said: "Brother, you swore a vow at your mother's funeral. You must have remembered, do you need a reminder to be my sister?”
"I haven't forgotten, this is just a love game. I will enjoy all this interesting process." After a moment of silence, Zhan Yixuan raised his eyebrows and smiled.
"That's good." Zhan Aili's brows finally relaxed. She and her brother Yixuan both grew up in hardship, so she didn't want her brother to fall into love affairs again and suffer from love.
Even if the target is her friend Tang Anni, she is no exception.
"Okay! I'll go back to my room and sleep first. I'll be busy at night!" Zhan Yixuan spoke calmly, turned and left.
"Sleep well." Zhan Aili's smile disappeared, but her eyes flashed with helplessness and distress as she looked at the distant scenery outside the window.
Date! If Aili didn't accompany Zhan Yixuan, her outing with Zhan Yixuan would be like a date for lovers!
Tang Anni was sitting on the chair in front of the desk, flipping through Jin Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes, wondering what kind of story a martial arts novel is? Although she prefers poetry collections and short essays, her casual style makes her not very picky when it comes to reading!
It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. She wanted to see her mother, Du Xinyun, and later go to the Spring Hotel to find the Zhan brothers and sisters.
Since she returned to Versailles, her mother always went out with her father to attend social balls or business receptions.
Forget it, anyway, she was used to her father and mother keeping an estranged distance from her. Ever since she left Versailles when she was ten years old and wandered around various countries, she was ruthlessly abandoned by her father and mother.
It was just an emotional matter. She really wanted to ask her mother, was that okay?
Zhan Yixuan always regarded her as his other sister. She wanted to confess to him, but she was afraid that it would be self-defeating and she would not be able to remain friends.
Finally, Tang Anni came to Du Xinyun's study. Her mother Du Xinyun was born in a scholarly family. She was a woman with both talent and beauty. She was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She looked beautiful and beautiful. She was as young as a thirty-year-old woman. She was extremely smart and attracted many people. Many men looked at her, but she had a soft spot for Don Reed. She married to Versailles and became Versailles' daughter-in-law.
"Annie, do you have anything to do with me?" Du Xinyun stared at her daughter and smiled sweetly.
"Mom, what qualities of your father attracted you to marry him?" Tang Anni walked to the cowhide sofa chair in the study, sat down, clasped her hands, and her voice was choked, "I met my prince charming. The funny thing is that I just miss him and like him." After saying that, he took a long breath and fell silent.
"As the saying goes, only when you meet the right person and this kind of love will you be truly blessed. I am a veteran in relationships, but when it comes to the growth of my children, I am not responsible enough. I let you wander around the country and did not accompany you to grow up. Although Bill Madam loves you very much and takes good care of you. I am very satisfied with this." Du Xinyun reached out and patted Annie's shoulder, "Annie, use your heart to feel the feeling of love, and your heart will lead you to find your future. Husband, your lifelong partner°"
"Mom..." Tang Anni called softly, "I will do it. Thank you."© ppop9000