

Often I find myself wondering. wondering if this life is true.

if it was true why do we cower and hide?
why can't we stand and strive?
why is there so much pain?
why can't we choose our own lane?
why do you have to be racist?
does it add another hurt to your list?

I wonder why we have to hurt eachother. we are all human and sure, we all have bad days and bad weeks but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on somebody. it could hurt more than they let on.
please be more mindful on how your words can affect someone.

today, personally, has been one of the best days of my life but it got ruined by these racist remarks and horrible words that have been said.

just let people live.

we are human too,
I see the world the same as you do.
© millie raybould