

fiction story
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realized i was in a mental hospital for kids because was holding a bloody knife in my hand.I started think why then I remember seeing purple sheets.Then I remembered why seeing purple sheets made me want to kill myself.A month ago on my 15th birthday i was raped by a friend on purple sheets.Ounce I told the therapist there a cop came to talk to me about it then he dragged me to the station. I didn't want to go but that didn't matter.In that moment the feelings I had when being raped came back to me the feeling of being scared.Then we got to the station before anything else I asked to call my parents if they could be there during more questions.He said yes my parents came shortly after I called them.Then he started questioning me I answered them all.Then he brought me into this room with no cameras made me take off my clothes I felt completely violated he took photos of me naked then looked at me calling me beautiful saying he wished I was 18.Then said ounce you turn 18 call me up baby.I felt like I was in my worst nightmare.I put on my clothes and whent with my parents back to the hospital.However I was discharged on the condition of therapy.I whent back to school the next morning I started to get sick I whent to the nurse I was told to take a pregancy test.I was then told by the nurse i was pregnant.I told my parents I was pregnant.I wanted to keep the baby they were supportive.The next day I was walking down the hallway I encountered the guy who raped me he called me I told him I was pregnant with his baby.He called me a slut I didn't know what to do except beat him up.up.So I did I almost killed him I then whent to the hospital to make sure the baby was ok.When I whent to the hospital they told me the baby was ok and I was four months pregnant.When I whent home I found out the boy I beat up was takingtaking me to court.I had court on.Friday in court I pleaded guilty.I got five years in jail.Four months later my parents were glad to take the baby since I was in jail.I was gonna have the baby in a month.One month later my water broke in jail I was then transferred to the hospital.My legs started to swole up because I was in restraints.I then whent into labor.I had a baby girl.Then the doctor informed me that she's gonna let me stay with my child who I named sophie after my mother.Five years later I got a degree in jail as a lawyer.One month later I let out of jail .Then I got home saw my beautiful 5 year old daughter.One month later Iwas going to therapy every week.I now work as a defense lawyer at a amazing firm.However I had this terrifying dream I was drugging and having sex with the guy who I remembered raping me.I then woke up wondering was it really a dream or a memory?
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