

Equality Vs Equity, what is the difference?
In the pharmaceutical sales training program, we get trainees from diverse backgrounds, some are experienced, fresher, pharmacy graduates, bioscience or commerce or arts graduates
In the experienced category, some are from banking or retail sales.
As we know equality, means providing equal resources and opportunities to everyone irrespective of whether the individual is fresher or more experienced. Whether the learner is having prior experience in the same profession or not. As a facilitator, we find someone who picks up quickly and recalls better.
Even the learners love being treated equally but it helps to fast learners only. This is how the conventional approach works.

In the equity type of methods,
First and foremost as a facilitator, we take the details of learners relating the qualification, work experiences, duration of the experiences, therapy dealt with previously, and aspirations too.

After a couple of sessions, looking at their participation and test scores, both in terms of qualitative and quantitative parameters, we figure out the level of understanding and what approaches we shall refer to.

For the freshers, this could be one-to-one summarization of basics or take a home message, being the first step towards the end objective of the program and making them write it all in the notebooks.
Out of the class, placing the fresher in the experienced room of the same state, helps
Some of them, come from different therapies,
put into one group and given individual reading material or nuggets of vocabulary, and asked to revert if needed any help. In addition, the experienced feel empowered, and by sharing their knowledge
with others, hence understanding gets multiplied by the practice, and in due course, both learn from each other, and peer learning continues.