

Therapy session
-The voice in my head is silent
You know, that voice which tells you that everything is okay and that you will be alright
-Maybe it's because everything is not okay. And you are not alright.
-Do you want to tell me what's the problem?
-I feel empty, inside.
And I miss that voice.
-How many voices did you use to hear in your head which are now silent?
-Only one. Only yours.
It was keeping me company, but it has stopped since you left.
-Maybe that was a step forward.
And it was about time you stop listening to voices and start taking actions. Towards your own self.
-Yes. And now I am here.
Something tells that this is wrong.
But I used to follow my feelings no matter what.
If this voice I listen to is because of you, and if that voice has a benefit on my feelings then I am at the right place even though something tells me that I am wrong.
-Maybe that thing that tells you that you are wrong you must probably start listening to it more often.
It's your instinct.
You have done something bad.
Your behavior towards me was not right.
But right now you are like a child who wants the candy and nobody will take it away from you. The only reason I accepted you back is because you need to grow by your own will. You need to understand, you need to decide that this is not right for you. I mean, you and me. I am your therapist. I am not your mum.
-Yeah. But you believed in me. Nobody else has.
-And nobody will take that faith away from me. I will always believe in you. But you also need to believe in yourself.
-I am lonely. And tired.
-You don't have friends?
-You know I don't.
-Then you must find some.
If I was about to continue being your therapist this would be our first goal.
-Don't go.
-Mary. You need to grow. You must learn how to break apart the bond that keeps you glued to your mum. The bond that keeps you a prisoner of your past.
-I am scared.
-Aren't you tired of saying this?
-Then do something. And do it now! The first step is to let me go. Let's see how strong you are.