

Lab rat
Its skin was pale and thin , spread tightly over its grotesque form . Its eyes flickered with fury and pain , whilst it’s mouth formed a snarl . Wounds and scars engulfed this being , it was clearly subjected to dozens of tests and experiments .

This was the real definition of a lab rat .
There lied a corpse on the cold stone ground , a doctor , likely the doctor that subjected the poor being to so much pain . It seems that revenge or better yet justice filled the air .

Its sunken eyes searched for the one thing it would never possess, human life . Yet , it had clearly not realised this truth , as it delve into the doctor's chest . Ripping out a now unbeating heart . It began to stare at its trophy of revenge , squeezing and observing , before it feasted on the mahogany red heart .

Blood dripped down the beast , creating a mixture of the doctor's and its own .
There it stood still , a pool of blood surrounding it . As it stood there staring at the carcass , a single salty tear flowed down its deformed cheek and dripped into the crimson-red puddle .

"Father " the beast uttered woefully as it fell to the ground , lying next to the mangled corpse , weeping .

It enveloped the doctor's hand in its giant palm and squeezed it tightly as its eyes closed , letting out a final tear , before the beast's last living moments came to an end .

© readaholic