

I got love on my mind
when people think about love what is love or how fair you will go for as I remember is a lot of things or who you give it to sometime we find in people or animal but God show me love comes all kinds of way the important part of love everyone needs love when u get sick you find out who love you back when lose something you who really loves you when you hurt you also see who you love and see the one who don't but I learned in this life time I know God love me more than everyone I still have to go give love and I have forgive everyone that had in my life because when have God will show us the real meaning of love our neighbors and friends and family but I had been betrayed by families and friends and ex husband family and friends God told me to still don't give up keep fight for the things that are right keep my head joy comes in the morning I can make it I been through things before I can do he got me so he said keep on he got me he blessed me beautiful grandkids I should not complain I moved to Augusta Georgia 2017 because I lose my house to a fire I didn't give up than why would I give up now I came to far to stop 2022was hard but learned a good lesson behind being gangstalked and indenity faurd because I got a divorced but 2021 I was false arrested I still have hurt about because I love and all I can for my children because they are mine but I do still love some me