

The Statue
Everything is the same. From the walls of this room to grounds of the school and city of timid citizens. The neighbors constantly converse loudly on the other side.

There's this statue of a family in the middle of the city. It consists of a mother, father, and their daughter and son around ten years old or younger. This creepy crap of a statue can be seen in all angles. From a teenage girl's apartment, it faces sideways. She find it as a rather a good thing so she doesn't have to deal with it.

While the girl, Mara Marrow, enjoy her cup of coffee and peanut butter and jelly sandwich, her new neighbors finally moved in. Although they aren't much of a hassle to her, she much prefers to avoid conversing with them. As she takes a sip of her coffee, a series of knocks startles her. She decides to leave it alone.

Series of knocks continue every 30 seconds with 10-second intervals until it stops exactly four minutes later. She can hear the footsteps getting quieter. She finds that much better.

It's the next day and Mara feels drowsy. She hates going outside but her stupid parents forced her to come to this school. But, as long as she gets something out of it, in which she never specifically mentioned what, she abides by their orders.

Everyone walks in groups except Mara. Her experiences with people led her to avoid social interactions so she never had friends since she moved. Her parents are deep into the business community and barely has time to even text their daughter.

While walking down the stairs, her male neighbor, Charon Balcom, greets her with a bright smile. Mara ignores him as she tiredly continues on her way.

"Young lady, why don't you join us for dinner tonight?"

Charon invites Mara who stops at her tracks and flips him off. This saddens the man as he goes back to his family.

While walking down the road, children giggles invade the music in Mara's ears. She gets annoyed and enraged. She snarls as she looks behind, expecting the children to be there. She breathes calmly and walks on. Nearing the road, the giggling gets louder as the children hit Mara by her arm while running. The lady simply looks at them im disgust.

"I wish some cars would just hit this brat."

Then before her, a car swerves to the children's direction, hitting a pole. Unfortunately for Mara, no harm was done to the children other than fear. It was a little fortunate at least. She giggles to herself as she runs away from the scene.

At school while language class begins, she sighs in boredom. I stead of listening to the teacher, she draws the statue of the city on her notebook of the said subject. She hears a little girl's giggle followed by a young boy's. She looks down from the window with no sight of any children. She shrugs it off and continues drawing.

"Hey. Did that guy always have a mustache?"

The clown in the room interferes with the teacher's class and leads everyone's attention to the statue.

"I don't think so. But the woman did change a bit."

Another clown follows.

"But what changed?"

The clown squints his eyes as the other clown slaps his face. The whole class, excluding Mara and the teacher, laughs at the free entertainment. The teavher gets angry and punishes them by standing outside the hall.

The day ends. Mara storms back to her apartment, ignoring those who try to greet her. She hears the giggles again of the children earlier thay morning. She looks back to see those children. They seem to be planning on pranking Mara. She faces them with a smile. The children's faces turn to regret as Mara approaches them. She directs her face to one of the children.

"Leave me alone!"

She yells at them. The child she was facing cried as the others ran away. She leaves them while angry.

Mara wakes up to the same sound of giggles at one in the morning. Stressed from those sounds, she stands up and busts her windows open to scold and yell at them.

Her rage turned to fear as she witnesses the girl statue looking directly at her with the parent statues frowning. The giggle gets louder. Mara realizes the giggling was from the statue.

Scared of the situation, she tucks herself to bed and covers her whole body. The giggling envelope the ambience. Mara uses her phone in hopes to ignore that sounds. She forces herself to just stare at her phone until the giggling finally stopped. A few minutes of scrolli g through her phone, she thinks it's fine now. She puts her phone down amd uncovers herself from her blanket, only to be greeted by the face of the girl statue.

Mara wakes up panting and sweating. It was just a nightmare. She stands up and stares at the statues. Nothing happened. They remain in the same position. She meditates in order to calm down and prepares to head to school.

On the same road she walks on, she sees a boy who seems to be struggling. She casually approaches him, to notice that the boy was her neighbor's son.

"How did you even get in this position?"

"I wash justh curiousth. Help me, pleasth."

The boy can barely talk. Mara looks at him for a while.

"Damien, was it?"

Mara asks politely. The boy nods. The lady then responds calmly.

"You got yourself into this. You can get yourself out of it, too."

Her calm smile turns to anger as she walks away. Damien looks at her as he starts to cry and scream. He looks at the statue to see the girl one staring angrily at his neighbor.

Mara continues on while watching the statue. Nothing is happening. So before crossing the road, she breathes deeply and carries on.

The same subject as yesterday, she dozes off to sleep. The teacher does not bother waking her up they know it's useless when it comes to Mara. While they continue teaching, the two clown classmates begin to whisper to others about the statues. It seems that all four members of the statue is looking in their direction.

Once again, Mara returns home. As she arrives at her apartment floor, she sees Damien just standing in front of the door. She could here people talking inside. She shakes it off as Damien respecting and waiting for the the adults. That night on the same time, Mara gets up to watch the statues. Nothing is happening. She pinches and hurts herself. She came to the conclusion that what happened last night was merely a nightmare.

Fortunately for Mara, the morning was a Saturday. Although, she decides to head to the statue.

When she arrives, there is a number of guards ensuring that no one crosses the boundaries. She tries to sneak in but fails as one of them.

"I demand to get inside!"

Mara yells at them.

"No can do, young lady. People can't just come and go here. So many disrespectful teens around vandalizing this sacred monument. You are no exception!"

The guards yells back as Mara glares him.

She observes the base of the statue and notice scribbles all over it, but not vandals. She squints to check the writings only to be pushed away by other teens. She shakes her head and leaves the site.

She meets her neighbors heading to the monument.

"Hello there neighbor!"

The wife waves enthusiastically.

"My name's Lilin. I heard you had met my husband and son."

Mara glares at her and leaves. Before she could, their daughter grabs her by the arm.

"What's your deal?! Why are you so mean?!"

The daughter, Selene, snarls at her. Mara grins and forces her arm away.

"I just don't like people!"

Mara shouts at her.

As she leaves, a loud giggle invades her ears as she runs away as fast as she can. She arrives home shortly as the giggles get a bit quieter.

A week passes by and the giggle has taken a toll out of Mara. She is constantly annoyed that she would just shout at children walking by. The parents now warn their children to stay away from the building.

Three more days and Mara has began to get used to the giggles, understanding that children are just brats who do not learn. She accepts this fact and has finally grown to ignore it.

Two weeks later, people, including Mara, becomes horrified at the scene. The statues have changed directions. They are now looking at Mara's school. This scares Mara that she refuses to go to school.

Later that night, Mara stays up to watch the statues. She heads to school in the morning, still to watch the statues. While she eats, bathes, exercises, she is staring at the statue. She barely takes care of herself the following night this continues.

After four nights, Mara loses and lies on her bed. She tries to get a power nap only to wake up three hours later for something more eerie.

As she hurriedly looks outside, the statue of the family is now looking at her. She cries and screams in fear.

Mara doesn't leave her apartment for up to a month. The neighbors get worried and decide to bust inside her privacy. When they entered, they see Mara's rotting corpse lying on the floor. Charon and Lilin immediatelt called for an ambulance while Selene brings Damien away from the scene.

As Mara was obviously dead, they scroll through her phone to find her parents and inform them.

At the morgue, the Balcom family were the ones to see her one last time.

"You just never learn."

"How many chances do you want?"

"We've given you so many of them and still you won't learn to respect others!"

"You are even to mean to the children who are just having fun!"

The Balcom family curses at her.

They return to their dark and eerie home. They sit around a table with Mara's picture engraved with red marks and stab on her chest.

"One more chance.
One more chance.
One more chance to be kind.
One more chance to be respectful.
Give us what we deserve,
And in return we give you what you deserve.
We are a family that protects this city,
And your presence have made things eerie.
You are a curse in this vicinity,
Yet we bless you with more chances to take.
One more chance.
Be kind.
And you shall be free."

As the family chants, Mara's body from the morgue turns to ashes.

They "bless" the soul to live another life, to live in kindness and peace. Little do they know about this cursed one.

"Everything is the same. From the walls of this room to grounds of the school and city of timid citizens. The neighbors constantly converse loudly on the other side, finding ways to teach me a lesson."

The pain, anger, fear; all those negativity.

"I... love them!"

"I love them so much it turns me on! 'Bless' me more! I never want this to end!"

The next day, a new lady lives as if nothing happened. Everything is at it is before the corrupted soul came.

"Hello, dear. I'm Lilin Balcom. What's your name?"

Lilin gleefully greets their new neighbor. The new lady smirks with piercing eyes.

"Mara. Mara Marrow."

© reyelm