

Why peace? What is peace?
Why peace? What is peace?

*There is a mantra, we all have been praying since the ancient days. That mantra is for experiencing peace at all levels. You might have been listen this many times. "May there be peace in the three worlds! May there be peace in the water! May there be peace in the earth! May there be peace in the space! May there be peace in the fire! May there be peace in the wind! May there be peace in the medicine! May there be peace in the vegetation forest! May there be peace in everyone's subconscious! May there be peace in the hearts of all living beings! May I have peace! May there be peace in you! May you have peace! May there be peace in every particle of the world! May there be peace in the whole world. O my Supreme Father (God)! O my God ! Such holistic peace may be established. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti."*

*The above mantra of holistic peace has become an essential mantra before beginning any special work. There may be peace at every levels of the universe means that everything including our mind must be in a balanced state and to it's ideal balanced level. This means that since ancient times in India, "peace in every perspective" has been considered as the basic and fundamental need of everyone. What is peace and why has it been considered fundemental need? As far as human beings perspective is concerned, peace has a simple meaning. When mind remains in the 'Alfa' state of thoughts. Psychological studies say that the Alfa state is a state of mind wherein the thoughts in our minds remain within 7 to 14 numbers of thoughts in a minute. In Alfa state of mind, we feel peace of mind. Why we need peace? Because peace is the fundamental state of mind through which we can experience the all spiritual values and moral values. By experiencing the spiritual and moral values we can experience the peace of mind we wish.*

*We must know a secret of happiness that developing or you may say it as expanding in all aspects of life is the key of happiness and peace. We should not take peace in a light manner. Peace is a powerful, pure and fundamental state of mind. The state of peace is such that cannot be seen through the gross senses. It is to be underlined that all our actions and reactions are manifested from this state of deep peace of mind only, which we call silence in other words. What is the real silence? When state of peace is intensified up to it's ultimate extent is called silence. If the level of peace is less than that of certain level, there cannot be experienced silence within. If the experience of silence is not within, the core values like peace etc, of souls don't emerge in our practical life.*

*Further esoteric meaning of peace is that every soul should experience of its eternal form. The more profound meaning of peace is that at atomic level every particle of the universe keeps on maintaining an equilibrium. Everything keeps on moving in a rhythmic way. Let the feelings of spiritual qualities may be there in everyone's life. This is the reality of real life.This is also the reality of Karma Yoga. So let there be uninterrupted peace at all levels.*

*The ancient Raja Yoga means that experience peace within and alongwith this, also experience the union of God. Yogis, the meditators when they reach to a certain higher level of peace of mind, only then they do experience the union of God. It is true that human psychology is such that there cannot be a state of complete (100%) peace in the corporeal world. Still, its percentage can definitely be increased. Therefore, through the understanding of spiritual knowledge, Rajayoga meditation and karmayoga, we must intensify our level of peace of mind. This state of being should be experienced continuously. This should be the sole purpose of life. In fact, our sole purpose is to increase the peaceful state of mind. This spiritual education must be imparted to the entire world. Thereafter, everything else we need in life could be manifested easily and naturally. Thank you*