

A Series of Myths and Legends: Kraken
A lot of people really don't understand why there are those who fear the deep ocean. It's just a body of water that is somehow inhabitable. There's nothing to be afraid of.

That's right. There's nothing to be afraid of. The ocean has never been fully understood. No one knows what lurks beneath.

I mean, there's nothing there but schools of fish and colonies of corals and groups of garbage and mysterious creatures that look like aliens that killed many with unknown information that no one knows what the treatments are and sunken materials.

Yeah. Nothing to be afraid of.

It's just normal.

It's just normal to have my arm bitten off not by a shark but a creature larger than a building with no poison whatsoever yet left a painful sensation while I went on a cruise with my friends who were devoured by it and left only a small raft that I can barely fit.

Yeah. It's normal.

The psychologist thinks I'm just crazy. But surprisingly, a few scientists decided to investigate. Those people never came back.

The people in the village started to take this seriously. Since then, nobody goes far from our sights.

It's been years since that happened. I was just a teenager that time. I'm soon to pass away. But while I still have the energy, I will devote it into writing this piece.

I will generalize this creature I've encountered as "The Creature of the Ocean".

Since I had encountered that disgusting animal, the village had taken it to credit and stopped going beyond the borders. While the fisherman did their jobs, they are assisted with people who have combat skills. They'd trained for any battle in the sea despite the lack of equipment.

Professionals had came to this village and ask for assistance in hunting down the creatures. Many of the villagers agreed as long as they don't have any regrets.

Every year, we lost them, both the professionals and villagers. It was a few years ago that a scientist came back alive with no limbs. He was on the brink of death. We were able to call the local hospital. Luckily, he survived.

He came back to us after a few months while he was resting. His fellow researchers had investigated and it seemed the creature were of an unknown kind. They temporarily concluded it as another unknown species that lurks in the deep.

He decided to interview me about them. I couldn't since the trauma was still there. I couldn't utter a single word. He respected my decision of keeping quiet. But since they need more intel, he gave me a notebook and pen where I shall write down my experience. I never did that until now.

There were only a few things I can get from the experience.

I was gazing at the ocean waves while my friends were having fun with their lovers. While I was doing so, I spotted something come out near the cruise ship. I couldn't tell what it was so I merely left it as a huge piece of trash.

While I drink to ease the pain away, the piece of trash came out on the surface.

It wasn't a piece of trash.

It was an octopus tentacle. But that size was definitely not just a normal octopus.

I started to freak out when one of my friends came and acted to push me off. I panicked too much to the point I dropped the bottle. We checked down below. Our hearts felt like it unattached from us.

The bottle had like a red orange tint surrounding. You'd think it's the drink. No. The drink was transparent.

A lady who was also gazing down screamed.

There was a huge eye.

When people came to aid to the lady, a huge tentacle splits the ship in half. While we panicked, some of us spotted something afar quickly approaching us. Slowly, people were grabbed one after another. The creature's head popped out of the ocean. I couldn't tell what it looked like as its became so blurry as I was trying to move.

One of its tentacles grabbed a hold of me and swings me to the sky. I saw a bigger view. There were lots of them coming from all directions.

It started to break the ship by crushing it. Some people drowned, others were eaten by it or nearby fish. People who were grabbed were thrown away or fed to its beak.

I was one of the people it threw. I managed to survive although I was a bit far away. Luckily, it vanished. I grabbed a nearby raft. It was small but it was enough for survival. I also realized I lost my left arm.

I rowed to the venue. There were lots of dismembered bodies. I saw one of my friends. I thought he had survived. When I approached him, half of his body was gone. I continued rowing, trying to look for survivors. There were none.

I survived by keeping fruits. When I ran out of them, I ate raw fish with no knowledge of them. If I couldn't find any, I became a cannibal.

I couldn't count how many days passed until someone finally found me. They told be that it had been 19 days since the incident. They immediately treated me.

When I reunited with my family, they advised me to never go on cruises again.

Why would I? That thing is still there. Until that thing is confirm, I am never going to step on the shore, even if our village is by the shore.

And I actually did that. When I gaze by the shore, the children would ask me to assist them. I always refused. When adults invite me, I refused. They told me to never be afraid and that they will help me cope with it.

Cope with it? Cope that trauma caused by some large octopus?

They don't know how dreadul that felt. I was dying and they think I can just cope with it.

People don't really think twice about what they say. Fears aren't always rooted from what we see as kids. Some are developed due to trauma.

A scientist who survived a few years in this investigation concluded it was what they call a "Kraken". There were supposed to be two remaining. Both were found in Norway on the day our incident happened. They said that there might actually be more out there.

It didn't matter to me. It doesn't matter at all.

I'm dead anyways.

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