

The Right People...
The right people know if we are heading in the right direction. If yes, they will surely encourage us, but they won't let our overconfidence and ego take the driver's seat. Hence, they will never keep on praising us. Because they are aware that our ego and overconfidence will get us sucked into the whirlpool of bad company with negative thoughts, which may give temporary pleasure and fun, but at the end of the day, we will be caught in a web of problems. Sooner or later, we will have the final nail in our coffin. 
The right people beside us will always pull us out of the whirlpool of bad company, and we will always find ourselves on the safer side with good people and good thoughts. 
But there are always possibilities that we will fail to recognize them since they deny us temporary worldly pleasures, and we tend to ignore them, only to realize very late that they were right and if only we had listened to them!
Nothing is lost. We are still where we were. Hence, we should never ignore the right people who care for us!
© Krishnan
#goodpeople #WritcoQuote #goodthoughts