

Magic Wizards Ep 4: Drama Rama (7th & final part)

Today's Read: Filled with Family dinners and reflections. And a cliffhanger ending you don't wanna miss! 👀 If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 4:Drama Rama.

Night was still at ease as Quincy and his family were having dinner as usual. Quincy was still trying to wrap his head around his day at school. He barely even picked at his dinner.

"Well today's been quite a day. How did everyone's day go?" Stewart finally spoke.

"Uhhh...it was interesting actaully. But that's all I'll say." Mr.Baren hesitated.

"Ok? You Mrs.Baren? Or should i say Officer Mrs.Baren?" he smiled.

"Ohh, it was good. I haven't arrested anyone yet though just in case you guys wanna know." she smiled back.

Her eyes started to face Quincy noticing he was barely eating.

"What about you Quincy, how was your day?"

He moved his food around the plate a bit and didnt look up.

"It was okay."

Mr Baren butted in.

"You sure? Is there anything you wanna talk about?'

"I'm sure. Everything is fine." he said finally looking up.

"Well...ok. if you say so." he kinda didn't believe him but let it go.

Stewart got up off his chair and walked to the living room.

"Where is he going?" Mrs.Baren asked.

"I don't know." Mr.Bare.n replied.

A minute later Stewart came back. He threw the flash drive on the table that Mr.Jenkins had gave him.

"There, i almost forgot. Mr.Jenkins gave me that early."

"What's this?" Mr.Baren said picking it up.

"He said there was a video on it. I don't know what it is because i didn't look at it. I'll let you decide what to do."

Rascals looked a little concerned.

"It's probably another attempt to prove that you have magic and that your some sort of witch." he chuckled looking at Quincy.

Mrs.Baren chuckled next while she had food in her mouth.

"Hey i wanna laugh too!" Stewart chuckled.

"Right, can you believe how ridiculous he can be?" Mr.Baren looked at Quincy again.

"Yeah he's crazy." Quincy finally chuckled a little nervous.

They all laughed. This was their first time bonding in a while this way. Everything was filled with happiness...for now.

Meanwhile at Tank's house, he was heading to his garage as earlier. He had a cleaning brush in his other hand. He slowly entered. Walking around and starting to dust off his experiments he made. As he was doing it he heard a noise in the back. He looked where it was coming from. Wizard B came out...again. What did they want with Tank?! What had happened with them earlier?! He faced them.

"You again?! What do you want?" Tank said with his voice shaking a bit.

Without saying a word Wizard B dropped a note on the ground. Magically it was pushed over to Tank. He didnt know what to think. Should he pick it up?! Should he try to run?! He carely decided to slowly kneel down and pick it up and read.

As he's reading, Wizard B used Magic again. Their voice made a surprising deep talk in disguise.


Tank looked up with a speechless face from the note. He didnt know what to think or say. But whatever the note said Tank was determined and it became his new focus. He shook his head.

I-i promise. And yes...I'll do what you want. (End of Episode 4.)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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