

The legend of the dragon warrior pt1
hi am john
and right now I lead entire village as there king knowing the most surprising part is that I,m only sixteen

But it wasn't always like this,
once this village was a terror field which at least 20 died every day and it was ruled by a savage beast called the dragon warrior who drank blood and eat flesh for breakfast so we heard.

we had never seen him before but due to rumor of past people who saw him, we all grew fear for our lives and we decided to obey wait his guard said he ordered them to do.

Every year we would have to sacrifice a newly born child which was born with an extraordinary mark called the mark of the spirits which means that as soon as that child becomes 13 he will gain power which beyond Man's imagination and be able to defeat the dragon warrior,but that's the main reason why they are killed

I John is one of them let me take u to where it all started.
I was born on the 5th of February which was known as the day of sanctuary,my mother the wife of one of the guards of the dragon warrior Sylvester,he was,nt my father any ways my father died 2 months ago when he tried to oppose the guard and was hanged before I was born.she lived with general Sylvester when I was born when she discovered I was born with the mark of the spirit she was immediately took me to a witch doctor to reveal my faith but he said he couldn't do so ,he had never seen such a thing in his life and what he saw shock him so much that he killed him self with his own pen knife.

At this my mother Carolina knew what she had to do to save my life she bought a boat and wrapped me in a purple cloak and we tried to escape but she knew that if she followed she would be tracked down by her husband so she took kelvin my elder brother who was only 6 and put him in the boat and she told him to never stop moving until he finds shore somewhere.she kissed us good bye and said may the spirit of the Angels be with u my son's and Kevin began to row the boat into sea while looking back at my mother till she was out of sight.