

My Interview journey with Americorps
Hello Everyone! 👋🏽

I am pleased to say I had an excellent interview with Ms. Monica & Ms. Cruz this morning from Americorps via Google Meets.

Amercorps is a local, state and national network of many programs such as public safety, health, the environment, homeland security and accommodating needs in education to meet community standards. They are also a second chance employer.

My interview consisted of highlighting my leadership skills, being able to team lead by ear, conflict resolution skills, my supervision capabilities, willingness to learn, my passion for justice and advocacy in many ways, my volunteer experience and my long-term personal living, career and educational goals.

We discussed the terms and requirements and of the position that I'm being looked at as a potential candidate for placement with their federal organization Americorps.

Americorps is a ten -12 month term of volunteering and they also offer part-time opportunities which is what I've inquired and applied for. (Position Name: “AmeriCorps Member - Youth Education Program ”)

I was educated during the interview on the background and purpose of this government Agency and their goals and objectives as a part of servicing communities around the nation. I would be responsible for overseeing the Youth education program part-time and focus on community economic development.

I discussed my past experiences working with all types of individuals.

As stated in my resume I adopted grandparents at the local retirement home in Chalfont Pa where I'd go and do activities with the elderly who had no family other than myself when I was a highschool student. I was a successful retail supervisor raising sales and lowering shrink percentages in a matter of a three to four month period. I explained that I was a peer mentor for juveniles in the justice system and demonstrated my basic knowledge of mental health diagnosis and certificate training courses through informal examples during our conversation. They are also aware of my familiarity in working with kids on the autistic spectrum and those with physical and mental disabilities. (As I am a mother of two disabled (grown) children myself.)

I've had many years of experience working side by side with BSC's, TSS's, MT's, PT's, and specialty children's and adult Dr's. in Philadelphia Pa.

In talking to Ms. Monica and Ms. Cruz I informed them of my past participation in NAMI (National Association of Mental Illness) and the certificates I was awarded thru their peer to peer and family mentoring training.

I was able to brief them on my participation with Child Home and Community Program for young teen moms as a Motivational Speaker around the local Highschools as well as the speeches I had written and presented to the Doylestown Pa community in regards to Domestic Violence.

I shared that I was a homeless shelter client and motivational speaker for A women's Place Domestic Violence non-profit organization and also volunteered for Nova (National organization of Victims assistance) thrift stores.

This is relevant considering I will be working with populations that share in poverty and it let's them know I'm able to relate because I've gone through the experience myself until present.

I made a point that I have positive and professional supports in my life at this time and am working on resolutions to victimization and a commitment to being a living testimony to others.

I mentioned my recent volunteer work helping at the church food pantry in West York PA with the possibility of being in their praise and worship team. And I'm currently a talented singing artist.

I'm also considered to be a positive and charismatic public figure/person on some social media sites.

I perform poetry sessions on the weekends.

And I included that I'm a peer mentor actively supporting and transporting individuals in the local community that attend AA/NA meetings.

My volunteer work was a substantial topic to show that I want to continue to learn and grow while giving back to a community. I always enjoy learning and building new skill sets that I can use at all times. I want to apply my hard-earned knowledge that I will gain from working as a team leader with Americorps to make an impact in a new environment and children's and families lives as well as my own.

I'm interested in what opportunities there are in my training and progression from this program. It's a great stepping stone for a future career. And an extremely helpful resource.

I have great excitement in wanting to be a part of this federal employment agency and what they stand for as an organization to our communities nationwide. Along with having the opportunity to contribute my well rounded values as a dedicated leader and learning participant.

My goal in applying to be a part of their organization and during the interview process was to demonstrate my desire in wanting to continually help people as well as commit to my own personal educational, career, and long-term goals. I desire to be a successful individual of the Hispanic origin and United States citizen.

Amercorps has four key principles.

*Anti-Poverty focus
*Community empowerment
*Sustainable Solutions and
*Capacity Building

All of which I can relate to, enjoy doing, make obtainable and endure in my every day life.

Americorps motto: "Get things done."

That's what I'm about.

When you help others and do for others, you enrich your life.

If given this opportunity, my favorite part will be being available and being of service to others. Whatever their desire is and whatever they'd like to achieve I'll be there to help execute the task, follow it through, accomplish it and empower them.

There's always stereotypes surrounding us. But the awesome thing is that we are all teachable and can learn to shift our thinking. Appreciate wisdom and lived experiences. Attribute yourself and others to new endeavors. If we all are engaged as a community, valued and genuinely included, we all benefit.

As a team leader not only will I be teaching others they'll be teaching me too.

I'm graciously looking forward to be given this opportunity with Americorps.

Thank you to all of you for supporting me always.

Kindly reply all with brief character references on my behalf.

Wish me the best of luck! 🙏🏽☝🏽

I appreciate you the most.


© Amy Jo Koontz