

Woman are not devil but devil's gateway

Devil is not only the enemy of goodness but punisher of sinners,devil has often turned up to expose and punished criminals,the defender of the innocent. Since the beginning of creation,the devil has wage a war on women.

The war began in the garden of Eden, when the serpent preyed on Eve's vulnerability and manipulated her into eating the forbidden fruit but the battle end with original sin. Woman is the temple built over a sewer the gateway to devil, they are devil door way because they are gullible, unsophisticated, easily controlled and manipulated by unscrupulous with their envy, pettiness and discontent, making them Vulnerable to unholy influence.

Devil being a spirit is neither a male nor female. When male and female are create equal but not the same. Man according to the scriptures,God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostril, the breathe of life. When God sees is not good that man should be alone He makes an help meet for him God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and took out of his ribs and closed up his flesh and the ribs which God had taken from man is woman which is Eve.

Human dignity comes from being created in image and likeness of God being capable of knowledge, possession,freely giving of oneself. Woman is the vessel of the evidence of God's creative power, being that a woman carries child in her womb is a blessing . Woman are the weapon of war,they can rather be blessing or a problems.

Woman bears the only creation made in the image and likeness of God which makes Devil used that as an opportunity to use them as an instrument for downfall of her man, they can be a greatest blessing or problem. God planted them in man's life to be a greatest blessing once you misuse the opportunity then they become the greatest problem. You can see woman of nowadays killing their husbands for no reason, when they are used by the devil. If woman wantst o bless her man they can go all out for him she can makes all difference in his life.

Parents have to teach their female child how to pray constantly, implore the intercession of the saints that they might give protection against the snares of Satan, what can actually makes a woman a blessing to the world by honoring our womanhood and embracing feminine attribute, embracing all of that which makes woman.