

The Thousands of Years Gap


Scene 1:

Senku is experimenting. Kohaku entered the room and saw him. She imagined herself giving Senku a back hug.

Scene 2:

Everyone is eating the food Francois cooked. Kohaku was eating beside Senku. She glanced at Senku and day dreamed of leaning her head on his shoulder.

But she immediately shakes the thoughts away and just continued eating.

Suika: Kohaku, why are you looking at Senku? You look like you want to eat him more than the food on your plate.

Kohaku: (blushing)

She met eyes with Senku so she immediately look at Suika and scolded her.

Kohaku: That's not like that!

Suika: (giggles)

Senku: (looks at Kohaku and slightly smiled)

Scene 3:

It's night, but Kohaku can't sleep because she's busy thinking/imagining herself cuddling and sleeping beside Senku.

She puts her hand on her chest and closed her eyes.

Kohaku: (in her mind) Why is it beating so fast?

It always beats fast whenever she thinks about Senku.

Scene 4:

Because she can't sleep, Kohaku went outside and saw that Senku can't sleep either. The man is sitting on the grass while looking up in the night sky.

Senku heard footsteps approaching. Without turning to look behind him, he immediately know whose footsteps it was.

Senku: Why are you still awake, Kohaku?

Kohaku: (wondered how Senku knew that it's her, but didn't question it) I also want to ask the same question to you.

Kohaku sits beside Senku. There's a moment of silence between them.

The cold breeze of the air sent chills to Kohaku's sensitive skin. It's cold, and Senku noticed her shivering.

He removes the coat he's wearing and gently puts it on Kohaku's shoulder.

Kohaku: Hey, I'm not that cold. I've been used to this kind of weather...

Senku: But you're shivering. Isn't that coat enough? Do you want me to give you a hug?

Kohaku: (look down and blush)
You really shouldn't say something like that.

Senku: What do you mean?

Kohaku: (looks at Senku's eyes) If you do that, you would get me more confused.

Senku: (blinks and got speechless)

Kohaku: Say Senku, what do you think I really feel about you? Why do I want to give you a back hug when I saw you experimenting alone? Why do I want to lean my head on your shoulder when I was eating beside you? Why do I want to cuddle and sleep beside you right now? This is the first time I felt that kind of feeling to someone and I don't know how to call that feeling.

Senku: (got taken aback and avoids Kohaku's stare) Kohaku, don't...

Kohaku: (looks at Senku) What don't?

Senku: Don't entertain that feelings...

Kohaku: (completely clueless) But why?

Senku: Because you might end up falling in love with me.

Kohaku: Is there something wrong with that? Why can't I let myself to fall in love with you?

Senku: Because I wasn't supposed to exist in this generation. I might look young, but I'm a thousands of years older than you. We have a thousands of years gap. Without the petrification that turned 7 billion people in the world a stone, I would never be able to meet the people in the Ishigami village in this stone world... If the petrification didn't happen, then I wouldn't exist in this time.


Senku remembered the first time he met the people at the Ishigami village—the family that Byakuya, his father, left for him.

Chrome, Suika, Ruri and Kohaku...

He remembered imagining before when Kohaku was holding Suika's hand that he wants to hold hands with Kohaku too.

He remembered imagining before that when he saw Kohaku in the pink dress—the time when they were fighting with Ibara, he has the urge to run to Kohaku and kiss her.

[Flashback ended]

Senku: (only in his mind) Maybe the only thing that I should be thankful about the petrification, is that it leads me to meeting you.

Kohaku: So you don't want me to fall in love with you because we came from a different generations? Because we have a really big gap?

Senku: (only in his mind) Yeah, and that's why I am also doing my best to hold myself back from falling in love with you.

After a moment of silence, Kohaku speaks again.

Kohaku: But Senku, you're here, right? You are here, I am here... and to me, it's all that matters. What now if we have thousands of years gap? The gap doesn't matter as long as your heart and mine got connected. You are smart so you should know well that no one can stop themselves from falling in love with someone they truly cares...

Kohaku: So please don't tell me to stop falling in love with you.

Senku: (got taken aback by what he heard, and realized that what Kohaku said is right.)

Their gap doesn't matter, as long as their hearts got connected with each other.

Kohaku stood up and was about to leave, but Senku held her wrist to stop her. When Kohaku looks at him, he also stood up, took a closer step to her, held Kohaku's cheeks, closed his eyes and claimed her lips—making Kohaku's eyes widened in surprised.

She didn't expect Senku to kiss her right there.

After the sweet kiss, they both look at each other's eyes and Kohaku could feel her heart beating faster again when she saw Senku smiled.

Senku: You're right, Lioness. No one can really stop themselves from falling in love with someone that they truly cares. I'll give you ten billion points for that.

Kohaku: (boldly) Can you just give this lioness another kiss instead? Also, I want to know your answer to my confession...

Senku's smile widened.

As an answer, he used his hand to held her waist, Kohaku encircled her arms around Senku's neck, and together, they shared a passionate and sweet kiss, with the hundred, thousands, and millions of stars watching over them.


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